Yes, Hunters are Psychopaths—and Sport Hunting is Serial Killing

Just to remind people that in North America this I ‘hunting season’… Just scum.

I don’t disagree, but my stepfather was a hunter before he met my mom, and became one of the most hard-core vegans I’ve ever met.

There is a formal definition for psychopathy. Calling someone a carnist is not simply a cool buzzword.

But it’s kind of weird that I’m just a regular guy if I put on an orange vest and shoot a cute forest creature with buckshot or birdshot. But I’m a crazy person if I shot a stray cat.

Now that’s a spicy take. However there are 16 million hunters in the USA and there’s no way they all qualify for ASPD. Culture can make you super fucked up.

It is not a crime to be an antisocial personality disorder sufferer. You become a murderer by nature.

I’m embarrassed to say that I used to hunt.(Avians)

I’ve been a proud vegan since November 2020, and I regret not starting sooner! (Grown up in a religious cult)

Killing a defenseless animal that is merely attempting to survive in the wild does not define a man or a tough person.

Nevertheless, I still believe that going wild for a hunt is preferable to paying for animal flesh from factories that breed animals in cruel conditions.

To be honest, if you want to end hunting, you’re going to have to fight hard to allow local predators to return.

That’s a legitimate position to have. However, you must truly own it. If left unchecked, the deer will literally starve to death and die of disease. Either wolves or hunters are necessary.

Coming from someone that grew up hunting there is a significant difference between people who hunt for food or tradition and those who do it for sport. You could maybe make this argument for sport hunters but not for the first group.

Yes, but what if one day you wake up and there are no supermarkets around?

Edit: FFS, I was being cynical. I neglected to mention that I’m on the serious vegan sub, where it’s required to disclose sarcasm.

Well the way humans have structured ecology at the moment you need hunters or everything gets worse. If we can recultivate the proper predator populations they will do the job instead, otherwise there will be plant and biomes wiped out, mass diseases and mass famines. Also have to enormously replace the ground laying bird habitats or the new predators will wipe out every single species of grouse+.

Humanity needs larger changes before we can substitute ourselves out of the predator role we engineered for ourselves for animal herds.

All forms of hunting, home killing, and slaughterhouse operations involve serial killing. Everything is murderous.

I’ve just concluded that labeling them psychopaths is an attempt to justify their behavior rather than an insult. Though actual psychopaths are incapable of having empathy for anyone, much less animals, they are nevertheless capable of reasoning that mistreating animals is bad, so there is still hope.