Like it’s just so crazy to me I just don’t understand how people can ignore such a massive injustice. I mean people were caring about Palestine and boycotting and telling others to boycott but when I tell people to go vegan and to boycott animal products they just don’t care or they call me stupid. I just don’t understand at all and it’s really making me feel like there’s no point in trying anymore.
Since we are only animals after all, people typically solely think about themselves, which is a behavior that is widespread in the animal kingdom.
It is extremely rare and difficult to persuade the majority of society—which has genuine, universal, and passionate regard for human rights—to attempt extending their principles to non-human animals.
due to the dark, twisted, nasty, and sadistic nature of humanity.
Giving a shit about animals would need a shift in perspective and an acceptance of imperfection. That requires real work and is really intimidating mentally.
I believe it’s out of sight, out of mind. Although it’s packaged as beef, we don’t eat cow. Pigs are packaged as pork and bacon; we don’t consume them. Growing up, I was taught that eating meat was a must. I didn’t realize how horribly animals are treated for human sustenance until I was much older. Someday, we shall arrive, although it may take some of us a bit longer than others.
Animal rights are important to most people. They only believe that how animals are treated when used for labor, food, or material purposes constitutes a violation of animal rights, not the act of utilizing them for any of those purposes.
It’s kind of like vegans who oppose pets versus vegans who own pets. Vegans who oppose pets think that owning pets is abusive and exploitative. Vegans who own pets believe that certain pet behaviors qualify as abuse.
Since animals are mute, I will respond to your true question. And those who try to speak on their behalf are frequently outcasts and social outcasts for other reasons, such as poor personal cleanliness, unusual sexual orientation, poor communication skills, or whatever.
People enjoy meat and animal products; I’m not sure what makes this difficult to comprehend. While animal exploitation is something that most people benefit from on a daily basis—eating animals may even be the literal highlight of their day—they have little incentive to care about Palestine.
I think about two things.
While animal mistreatment is a grave injustice, it’s not the only one that warrants concern. It has connections to a plethora of other injustices, but let’s face it, most of us could be doing more to address those as well. I most definitely could be.
Why don’t I take action against them more? due to cultural standards, ignorance, overload, greed, etc. For the same reasons that people who are not vegans disregard animal rights. Because most people haven’t even given the status quo (cultural norms) a thorough examination (ignorance), they consider nonhuman animals to be less valuable than human ones. Even when they do consider it, actively rejecting social norms can be upsetting and painful. As a result, animals suffer an especially rough deal.
It may surprise you to learn that a greater number of people than you might imagine are dissatisfied with their everyday lives and resort to routines in an effort to continue living in denial about how different their lives are from their dreams. This kind of coping mechanism does not encourage critical thinking about the animal abuse sector.
Besides, why create additional emotional distance when it comes to something that the majority of society has been trained to demonize? Adding it to the denial list is far simpler.