Why Do People Always Say Vegans Are Forcing Their Views?

I keep seeing this argument about vegans forcing their choices onto others, but meanwhile, I get bombarded with ads for meat and dairy every single day. How is that not forcing a lifestyle too?

The truth is, people who eat animal products are forcing their choices onto animals. They create suffering for their own pleasure. I’m not trying to control what anyone eats, but I do want people to think about the suffering they support. If pointing that out makes someone uncomfortable, maybe that’s their conscience talking.

This whole narrative that you need animal products is ridiculous. It’s just a way to justify carnism, which is really just hedonism that harms others. And society pushes it on us constantly with ads and cultural pressure.

Let’s not give hedonism a bad name. I’m a proud hedonist, and I don’t eat animals.

Carnism is just part of the societal programming. If you challenge it, people have to actually think, and that makes them angry.

I like how you framed that because it makes people who defend carnism seem fragile.

Nothing against hedonist vegans. If you’re not hurting anyone, it’s fine by me.

Jaden said:
I like how you framed that because it makes people who defend carnism seem fragile.

Nothing against hedonist vegans. If you’re not hurting anyone, it’s fine by me.

They eat animals that were tortured just because they don’t want to face the truth. That’s weak.

And yeah, I was joking about being a smartass. But I do try not to hurt others—doesn’t always work out, though.

Isn’t hedonism about avoiding pain too?

Ellis said:
Isn’t hedonism about avoiding pain too?

Try telling that to the guy from Hellraiser. :joy:

Ellis said:
Isn’t hedonism about avoiding pain too?

Good point. They’re avoiding the discomfort of thinking about what they’re doing. But then there’s the ethics of causing pain to others just to avoid your own.

Thinking can be painful, huh?

Yeah, too much thinking hurts my brain. Funny but also really sad how true that is.

Exactly! Meat is everywhere—on billboards, in commercials—but somehow vegans are the ones shoving their views down people’s throats? That’s laughable.

It’s exhausting dealing with this. Vegans get called crazy for speaking up, while meat eaters get a free pass to be obnoxious. They love to exaggerate our arguments and make us look ridiculous.

Honestly, I think a lot of it comes from conservatives. They use religion to justify eating animals, saying God gave humans dominion over them. It’s hard to fight that mindset. I’ve met more Muslim vegans than Christian vegans, which says a lot. It’s just another example of entitlement mixed with resistance to change.

When people accuse vegans of forcing their views, what they really mean is that our very existence makes them question their choices. That’s uncomfortable for them.

‘Ugh, vegans are so annoying, stop shoving your beliefs down my throat.’

Then they’ll turn around and send pictures of roasted pigs or cows hanging in slaughterhouses. Hypocrisy much?

This kind of nonsense is everywhere:


It’s crazy how much hate vegans get for no reason. I’ll be listening to music, and there’s always some random hate comment about vegans. Meanwhile, I rarely see vegans starting fights, but we still get painted as the bad guys.

Sometimes I think eating meat is a sign of something deeper, like a lack of empathy. Truly spiritual people wouldn’t want to kill or eat animals—at least, that’s how I see it.

Jessie said:
Sometimes I think eating meat is a sign of something deeper, like a lack of empathy. Truly spiritual people wouldn’t want to kill or eat animals—at least, that’s how I see it.

But abrahamic religions literally teach that humans have the right to use animals however they want. It’s disgusting when people use that to justify cruelty.