Which vegan milks are just bean/nut/oat, etc. and water?

It is very rare even among organic vegan milks to find gum free, carageenan free, sugar free, salt free, oil free milk.

I have only found two companies making such a product which I am listing but if you know of more, please comment.

West Life Organic Unsweetened Soymilk Plain


Elmhurst Milked Almonds Unsweetened

Ingredients: Filtered Water, Almonds

Elmhurst Milked Cashews Unsweetened

Ingredients: Filtered Water, Cashews

Elmhurst Milked Walnuts Unsweetened

Ingredients: Filtered Water, Walnuts

Elmhurst Milked Hazelnuts

Ingredients: Filtered Water, Hazelnuts

PS: These milks with nothing added are very expensive.

West life, Eden Soy, and the shelf stable options from trader joe’s


1 Tablespoon raw almond butter + 1 cup water, blend. Done. Add salt and sweetener to your preference. Adapt batch size as needed. Works for cashew milk as well, also so much cheaper. Use less water for a coffee creamer option

These days, I make my own soy milk, and it tastes so much better. Although you could also use a blender, I have an arcmira. I’ve discovered that a small teaspoon of salt reduces the flavor of beans. Wonderfully foams. In addition, I now have okara that I can use for tempeh or baking.

oatly has a super basic version that’s the best one i’ve found.

I’m curious if you believe those are unhealthy for you. compromise the flavor?

All that’s in Trader Joe’s organic shelf-stable soy milk is water and soybeans.

Isn’t making additive-free food at home less expensive?

Organic Coconut Milk from a Native Forest. The contents are: Filtered water, organic coconut, and organic coconut milk.

Produce your own using an almond milk maker. Simple to operate. Simple to maintain.

Same love mine. Use it a few times a week. And I make flavoured coffees and and ice teas in it as well as milks

A powdered coconut variant is made by Raw Guru. It’s incredible, and I adore that I can adjust the consistency to my preference—sometimes it’s closer to a condensed, sweetened version.

Go to an asian market like 88 or whatever you have locally. Fresh grassy earthy soymilk. Often simple ingredients.