What unique sweets can I make as gifts for friends and family? I want something different, not just a vegan version of a regular treat

Looking for ideas on fun and unique sweets to make for gifts. I’m hoping to get away from the usual vegan versions of classic treats, and would love something original that stands out.

Alton Brown’s sugar plums recipe, chocolate dipped fruit, homemade mixes like spiced hot chocolate, apple cider, or microwave mug cake.

Old Fashioned Potato Candy! My grandma taught me how to make it, and it’s already vegan. You only need a white potato, powdered sugar (use organic or vegan-friendly), and creamy peanut butter (or any nut/seed butter). It’s super easy, no baking needed, and lasts for weeks in a cool place or even months in the freezer.

Recipe link here

How about making a necklace vial filled with spice mix layers? It’s something they can take with them when eating out, and it looks pretty too.

Monroe said:
How about making a necklace vial filled with spice mix layers? It’s something they can take with them when eating out, and it looks pretty too.

If you have to bring your own spices to restaurants, you might be going to the wrong places.

I like mixing my own flavors with what the restaurant offers. It’s not about the wrong place, just adding a personal touch.

Monroe said:
I like mixing my own flavors with what the restaurant offers. It’s not about the wrong place, just adding a personal touch.

I love that! It’s so unique. Keep rocking it!

Thanks! It’s nice to get some support. Most people don’t get it, but you seem to understand. :slight_smile: I like how it doubles as a perfume too.

Monroe said:
Thanks! It’s nice to get some support. Most people don’t get it, but you seem to understand. :slight_smile: I like how it doubles as a perfume too.

That’s so cool! Taste and smell are connected, so it makes sense. Great idea!

Stuffed dates are super easy and really tasty. Just remove the stones, fill them with rolled-up vegan marzipan, and then dip in melted vegan chocolate to seal the hole. Let them cool, and you’re done.

Phoenix said:
Stuffed dates are super easy and really tasty. Just remove the stones, fill them with rolled-up vegan marzipan, and then dip in melted vegan chocolate to seal the hole. Let them cool, and you’re done.

That sounds amazing, especially with big Medjool dates! Adding a high-quality peanut butter (the crunchy, salty, dark-roasted type) could be awesome too. Thanks for the great idea!

I’m going to try making apple pie empanadas. Well, I’m attempting to anyway, haha.

There’s a vegan recipe for chocolate and almond cookies that everyone I’ve made them for loves.

Ripley said:
There’s a vegan recipe for chocolate and almond cookies that everyone I’ve made them for loves.

I’ve never heard of those. Do you mean something like this? link here

Yes! They’re really good.


Not a baked good, but how about a vegan cookie or hot chocolate mix in a jar? It’s super easy, doesn’t need to be kept cool, and you can make a lot of it in just a few minutes.

How about making Scottish macaroons, honeycomb, or bounty balls?

I really like the idea of making a homemade spice mix. People often think vegetarians and vegans miss out on flavor, so this could be a fun twist.

Candied spicy pecans.