Is soy actually something to be worried about or what, I mean personally I don’t consume that much soy/processed foods anyways but I don’t understand the whole “too much soy is bad because blah blah blah…” idk I’m still new as far as learning the facts n nutritional values of things, but I figured soy does more good than bad, right? Is it just one of those usual battles where people on the outside nitpick the details of vegan diet but ignore the flaws in animal products or is there something to actually be on the lookout for? Too much of anything can do harm I’m sure, but how much would actually be too much?
Unless you mean the environment.
Still no, unless you take into account that animal agriculture is a major contributor to deforestation and that the majority of soy is fed to animals.
They are falsehoods. Soy in human quantities is healthful. Simply put, it could be detrimental only to those who are allergic to it. However, it is obviously not the case for most people.
I’ve been vegan for little over seven years, and I consume soy milk and eat a ton of tofu. Regretfully, my breasts have not yet developed.
China has been domesticating and growing soy since 6600 BC. It has therefore been a component of the human diet for over 8000 years. Sincerely, I believe this should provide you with all the information you require. It’s all right. A damned bean, that is.
But let me clarify that the whole “soy is bad” narrative originated on 4chan in 2016, where people were claiming that soy causes homosexuality. Since then, it has developed into a central right-wing tenet, sometimes combined with diets that consist solely of raw milk. They have created incredibly pseudo-scientific theories on how to purportedly raise testosterone levels in order to transform into gigachad super warriors, which is obviously absurd. One of them is to avoid soy.
Like tofu, edamame, and other minimally processed soy products, soy is totally safe. Basically, it’s all false information and lies. The human body is unaffected by plant estrogen. The mammalian estrogen present in cow’s milk, however, does. Don’t fall for the nonsense of poor faith.
One of the best forms of protein that is available is soy. It has all the necessary amino acids, is low in fat, high in protein, and abundant in vitamin C. I consume it daily.
In addition, regarding processed foods. Do you consume frozen veggies? canned goods? Legumes that are dried?They’ve been dealt with. Unless you are the one gathering it directly from the ground, even fresh produce has undergone some sort of processing. Watch out for these patterns that incite fear.
It’s safe, based on what I’ve read about it in literature. Particularly in the sphere of estrogen. Processing is the true problem. A food generally does you less good the more processed it is.
Yes, soy isn’t all that horrible. Every day, I eat soy. often several times during the day.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the belief that MSG is unhealthy or causes excess estrogen came from the same racist falsehoods that led people to believe that MSG will cause their brains to melt.
Soy is a tasty and healthy food. The myths about “soy is bad” are only attempts to incite fear of Asians and discourage them from opposing the meat industry.
The majority of soy is grown for animal feed, therefore you should find out if people who eat meat are worried about eating animals that are given a diet high in soy.
The two fallacies Soy raises the risk of breast cancer. There are rumors about this because it includes phytoestrogens, and women who have breast cancer tend to have higher levels of estrogen. However, that estrogen is not ingested, and phytoestrogen is not the same. In fact, a soy-rich diet has been associated with a decreased incidence of breast cancer. 2) Because soy contains phytoestrogen, it gives males man boobs. For the same reason, it is untrue. In addition, I challenge anyone to genuinely tell me that I have man boobs by pinching my pecs. 7 years of veganism.
Any amount of soy is acceptable as long as you don’t have an allergy.