The last year has been challenging to say the least in my vegan journey. People I exchanged with about this lifestyle just made me loose hope in a way.
Don’t get me wrong I’ll always be vegan but people around me are just crushing my views on veganism. Like it’s something wrong.
So yeah, my biggest struggles with being vegan (these days) is the non-vegan.
It seems like it can be really solitary. Although I’ve always felt strongly about animal rights, I’ve never met someone in real life who feels the same way. I became a vegetarian when I was 26 years old, and for the past ten years or so, I’ve been vegan. I have thus essentially never had someone with whom to share this significant aspect of my identity.
Additionally, veganism is taboo in the little area where I reside. Here, vegan dining establishments do not exist. ‘Normal’ eateries also typically don’t serve vegan food.
Other people. I‘m not going around telling people I‘m vegan or trying to convert them, but everytime the topic comes up people who know nothing about nutrition try to tell me how unhealthy it is. It’s not even worth arguing with them. When you give them facts and prove they‘re wrong they keep on arguing just because.