I’ve been participating in r/climate lately and I’m frankly disturbed by how much the nuclear evangelists have astroturfed that place. Nuclear shills should not be in charge of the climate narrative, WE should. Any sincere plan to address climate change SHOULD ALWAYS include a vegan/plant-based diet.
If you’re like me and you also care about the climate, I think you should consider being more active in places like r/climate to remind people how important eating plant-based and REDUCING overall consumption is.
It irritates me that discussions about the negative environmental effects of eating animal products are actively discouraged in the so-called environmental subreddit. It enrages me greatly. However, when it comes to producing electricity, nuclear power is more environmentally friendly.
So I’m pro nuclear and a lifelong vegan. Let’s do both really good things, maybe!
I don’t really know why you’re directing this at pro nuclear people and not people who specifically aren’t vegan. Nuclear power is not the opposite of being vegan.
Since nuclear change doesn’t alter people’s lives, it can be implemented more quickly and with less “simple” change, meaning fewer people need to be persuaded.
I agree that going vegan has a lot of benefits for the environment. Nonetheless, nuclear energy should be a part of the solution as it is lot safer than what you see on TV, much cleaner than fossil fuels.
I am an undergraduate majoring in nuclear physics. Although I am not yet a professional in my field, I have studied physics for many years, therefore I am able to answer many of your concerns about nuclear.
To begin with, nuclear energy is our species’ greatest hope for averting a global warming disaster.
Why is this framed as though being vegan or nuclear are mutually exclusive? There is a need to address both the distinct (though some overlap) sources of climate change, namely energy use and food production. It’s not a competition; we may discuss making adjustments in both areas.
You provide no arguments against nuclear power in your first post, yet you term everybody who disagrees with you a shill? Are you seven years old, or have you simply decided to despise nuclear energy without any justification due to your scant knowledge of the subject?
Though I doubt you could explain why you oppose nuclear power, please surprise me.