Vegandale Queens 9/14 WARNING

The line to get in this morning was nearly an hour long with no organization. there were only 4 metal detectors, 3 of which were reserved for VIP ticket holders.

They also make you dump out your water bottles and DO NOT HAVE WATER REFILL stations!!! You need to purchase water ($4 for 16oz of water) from official vegandale bars. None of the merchants carry water bottles either.

This is a terribly run event. If you are coming for the evening session please beware. 1/5 stars - honestly unsure how it is legal to not have free water refill stations.

Seeing this right before getting on the subway to go to Vegandale :smiley:

After a female died during a Taylor Swift concert, it is unlawful for an event to have a policy like that regarding water here in Brazil.

Vegandale organizers aren’t even vegan. Theytr just after money.

Vegandale was only successful for its first two years before branching out to other cities. People should cease supporting this event because it has proven consistently harmful. Every year, my city hosts a free, enjoyable, and all-inclusive vegan festival that honors local businesses and goes beyond Vegandale, all in the spirit of veganism. While sampling food from throughout North America at Vegandale was interesting, I would much prefer spend my money at our community-based event.

We arrived almost on time, having purchased tickets for admittance at 11 a.m. There was no shade, no signage guiding people where to wait, and they had to wait for two hours in the sweltering sun. Things became chaotic as soon as we arrived at the metal detectors, and individuals started acting pushy and aggressively. No control at all. Not to mention, no water stations.

There were many meal options, and the most of what we tasted was tasty but little pricey. The waffles with shrimp and chicken was good, but paying more than $30 for a plate is ridiculous. Their truck didn’t have any pricing on it, so it was a rude surprise.

I would not come back. There are vegan fairs out there that are more reasonably priced and run better.

Since all theme parks in the nation are required by law to provide free water, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for there to be any shortage of it here. I’m not sure why this is any different. There are always water refill stations during NJ Vegfest. Having read terrible stories of previous vegandales earlier this year, I decided not to bother with this event. It seems like a fraud.

Did individuals overlook all of the posts made by residents of other cities?

It’s plant-based dale, not vegan dale, and they’re wasting your money since that’s all that matters to them.

This makes veganism appear awful; it should be covered by the media, and people should protest and receive refunds.

Try the NJ Vegan Fest, please! They appear to be doing pop-ups throughout the winter, and I believe their next major event is in May.

A few weeks back, I attended the one in Philadelphia, and it was a complete bust. Every food line lasted for about two hours. My family and I divided up into three lines, and the smallest one, I believe, was one hour and forty-five minutes long. I’m not kidding. The food was also not very excellent.