Vegan means no animals or invertebrates

Can we just stop this stupidity yet. Your not vegan if you eat any animal from the kingdom

Whoa, you can’t just walk into the Vegan subreddit and claim that eating animal products isn’t vegan.

I don’t really get the fascination with oysters. You couldn’t pay me to eat them when I ate meat, let alone now. Like obviously people like what they like but I’ll never understand this fascination with shotting slimey sea-snot down their throat.

My mother would constantly inquire, “Are you allowed to eat [thing]?” after I went vegan in an effort to learn more about potential sources of animal products. I would always state up front that there is no such thing as the Veganism Police or Veganism Pope, and that it is not a matter of being “allowed” but rather of one’s own ethical convictions on the avoidance of needless animal suffering.

Though I am aware that some vegans have different definitions of the term (such as non-exploitation or non-discrimination against animals), the basic idea behind veganism remains the same: there is no one set standard for what constitutes veganism; rather, it simply boils down to individual morality and the acceptance of the term among one’s peers.

Vegan means nothing sentient should be exploited, it just happens that most animals are sentient, exceptions being stuff like sponges.

Invertebrates are animals, the title is like saying no soda or pepsi.

The primary problem, in my opinion, is that it leads to dogma rather than a rational ethical stance. For example, is killing a sentient extraterrestrial more vegan than killing a non-sentient animal like a sponge just because the alien isn’t an animal? The whole “veganism is just not eating animals period” notion, in my opinion, is just dogmatic and not very reasonable. Of course, we should exercise caution and avoid situations where we cannot be certain, such as with bivalves. In this context, “sentient beings” is a more appropriate term than “animals” since it emphasizes their capacity for feeling and experiencing the outside world as well as their own interests rather than just their animal nature.

I don’t think it’s worth arguing over the specifics of which creatures may or cannot feel pain. Why consume them when you don’t have to? It’s still terrible for the ecosystem and your health whether they do or don’t.

Oysters dont want to be killed! ask someone whos kept reef tanks with oysters (American Thorny Oyster) or etc in it or go to your local aquarium store and tell me what you observe!! I love Oysters so much That I Dont eat them

Being vegan is not a diet; it’s an ethical stance. Bivalves are vegan if they aren’t conscious. Likewise, meat raised in a lab. Meat isn’t vegan because it comes from animals that must be exploited, not because it’s meat.

Anyone can consume any food they desire. But if you eat oysters, you cannot claim to be vegan. Simply give yourself a different name.

Furthermore, is it really that important to know whether or not oysters experience pain? That’s never been used to define whether something is an animal or not, in my experience.

While I won’t get worked up by purported vegans consuming bivalves, you can also never count on me to be the oddball who undertakes a ton of philosophical acrobatics to support my consumption of them. Embracing a plant-based diet is where I’d rather invest my time and energy than trying to fit animal intake into that lifestyle. It’s merely wasted energy; who really needs shellfish meat?

Would you please define veganism so that it doesn’t refer to “no animals”?

I would prefer to refer to a vegan who enjoys oysters as opposed to someone who consumes palm oil derived from uncertified agriculture that involves the illicit burning of vast areas of protected rainforests.

Veganism is entirely based on ethical reasoning and has nothing to do with taxonomy.