The vegan rage and how to cope with it

Do you think that when you first transition and are exposed to all these atrocities from the animal agricultural industry you become somewhat overwhelmed and just go in to a bit of a rage out of frustration? Like you are just seething and confused as to why not everyone is vegan and just don’t care? You would use insults and say horrible things you don’t mean? I’ve completely mellowed out now, not to say I don’t get in the zone and go off but it is in a respectful and calm manner with zero insults and straight up facts?

Might be sadness more than rage. I want to come at it with a kindness angle instead of anger or frustration. I don’t think I would feel happy with my own decision to go vegan if I was pressuring people or making them feel guilty or making them angry. I’m not confused at all why everyone isn’t vegan. I think that’s why.

There are people out there that still think nut allergies are fake or gluten free is a fad diet. More and more you see companies rising up to support all kinds of allergies and I think that will continue. I never thought that I would see regular grocery stores have so many shelves dedicated to dairy free milks, creamers, cheeses, chips, snacks and candies, etc…

Sure, there’s a lot to be angry about, but there’s also a lot to be thankful for as well as a lot of progress for all kinds of vegan foods and restaurants.

I’ve “mellowed out” after 12 years, but those emotions are still present; I’ve just grown accustomed to and desensitized to them.

Well, it’s a reasonable response to the realization of the magnitude of the situation. I believe that instead of focusing anger at consumers who might not have the means to effect change, we should target the meat firms that decide to profit from the brutality rather than investing in alternatives. When confronted with anger, the majority of people will likely get defensive rather than examine the problem objectively.

Yes. Going vegan was perhaps the biggest source of this hatred for me. Like you, I’m also calmer these days—unless I kind of enter the zone you’re talking about.

I have been vegan for 20 years, yet I have never experienced the “vegan rage”. Perhaps this is why my veganism happened gradually rather than all at once.

I detest the way we treat animals, but I don’t think fury, hatred, and outbursts are very useful. I appreciate facts, thoughtful conversations, and civility since they usually make things go more smoothly and prolong the conversation.

Finding someone on this sub that I used to follow on Tumblr more than ten years ago is really strange. Regarding your inquiry, I’m still furious but have realized that, despite my best efforts to show others what I see, the majority of people will never give a damn.

I understand you. The fact that no one appears to be concerned about the suffering they are bringing to other living things just makes me feel so angry.

I get angry again every time I see a truck carrying animals, and I start talking to myself about how incomprehensible it is that people don’t seem to care. I have the same thoughts about homelessness. My greater concern for things than other people does cause me to have a great deal of resentment.

It’s simply one terrible kind of systemic injustice out of many. It’s distressing, but if you dig a little deeper, so are all aspects of civilization. It’s necessary to occasionally take a break from thinking about it, as being overtaken by emotions ultimately results in fatigue and ultimately, capitulation.

Not really. I completely comprehend the motivations behind onmivore behavior. I simply don’t think those things.