First of all, not sure if anyone would remember but I posted in this sub a few times about my meat eating bf and how horrible he was. I didn’t realize at the time but it was a fully abusive relationship and he would weaponize meat to make me uncomfortable. All in all, it was horrible and I was misserable - I felt like I couldnt talk to anyone without sounding like a crazy vegetarian (at the time) so this sub was my only place of refuge. Thank you to everyone who took time to offer me the advice I needed to get out of that relationship.
I left and actually found a vegan man. Things have been AMAZING with him, I am completely in love and happier than I have ever been. I never realized how important food was in a relationship. Its amazing to have someone who is not only willing to go to a vegan restaurant but is also excited and is asking me to go! I have always been vegetarian and wanted to be vegan but living and trying to cook for my EX made it nearly impossible. Ever since I started dating my new partner, I have been 100% vegan and not only do I not feel guilty, I feel physically amazing. All in all, I am thriving now. So thank you r/vegan for all of the support and advice that led me here today!
edit: everyone here just confirmed how amazing this sub is. Reddit can be a toxic place but this sub is such an amazing community, thank you internet strangers for all the love. We all deserve happiness and I cant wait for everyone to find it. Love you all
Dating someone who shares your ethical values can make all the difference in the world. I’m happy to hear that you’ve found someone that values you and the animals more.
Men who are vegans are typically very kind, sympathetic, and caring—especially when it comes to animals. And it shows in the way they handle you. This is a generality; not every one of them is endearing.
I’ve never dated a non-vegan, and vegan men are just the nicest.
It’s amazing to read that you were able to leave an abusive relationship. Enjoy the time you have to yourself and your new life that this decision has given you. I wish you many years of joyous companionship.
My heart is glad to hear this! It’s wonderful to find someone who shares your ideals, but it’s even more wonderful when they add the vegan component. An omnivore or even a vegetarian cannot compare to the unique degree of closeness and connection that this offers. Best wishes, OP!
It eliminates a great deal of strife and makes such a big impact. I’m glad you connected with someone.
Concerning your past posts. Since you brought up previous articles regarding meat eater ex, I looked to see. Why do you sometimes have a 53M and other times a 23F? Is your Reddit account shared?
You are absolutely right when you say that food is an underappreciated part of relationships. Particularly when one’s dietary and lifestyle decisions are motivated by strong moral or ethical convictions. One more thing that unites a relationship is agreement on food ethics, or ethics in general.
same, buddy. When I inadvertently ate something non-vegan, my ex would make fun of me and be pleased, and I would feel horrible about going to vegan places since “there was nothing for him.” He was also really abusive. I will never again date a carnist.
Given how few vegan women are interested in dating vegan guys, it’s absurd how many straight males will be fixated with meat consumption and masculinity. They are being let down.
Additionally, improvements in CV health are particularly advantageous for sexual performance, and this may be more pronounced in men.