Sea monkey dilemma

So, in my pre vegan days I got sea monkeys. I have had them for about two years almost. I have another set of eggs ready to hatch, but idk what to do. I am continuing to care for my existing sea monkeys then will not buy anymore, but idk exactly what to do about these eggs. Do I give them away? Hatch them? Any advice would be appreciated. This isn’t really urgent as the eggs can remain dormant for years but just for the future I’d like to know what to do.

Care for them when they hatch. A life in a filthy puddle and a lovely aquarium can’t be all that dissimilar.

Considering that eggs aren’t quite alive at that point, I genuinely don’t see any harm in destroying them. realizing that you have no choice except to destroy the eggs.

I would raise them. If you give them away, chances are they’ll end up as fish food or as the neglected pet in some kid’s bedroom. If they were hatched with you, at least you would know how to take care of them. Giving brine shrimp a nice habitat isn’t too difficult because they are simple sentient creatures.

Respecting other creatures doesn’t cost anything, even when their current status indicates that they are painless.

In essence, it’s an abortion to remove the eggs and spare the mother and child great misery.

You are effectively reproducing animals if you hatch and give them away, therefore they are not vegan, and if you give them away, they may not receive the right care.

Are sea monkeys considered brine shrimp? Is there a nearby aquarium where you could give them? You could definitely build a far nicer tank there than you could at home.

I believe it is legally required to hatch them if you live in Texas.

If not, it might be best to just discard them before delivery.

Since many of the creatures this was purported to be about only displayed suffering in ways we weren’t aware of, I find it difficult to believe they don’t feel pain.