Republicans want to get rid of vegan-friendly nutrition policy

Please read this article about project 2025’s plans for nutrition policy. US nutrition policy has been getting more vegan friendly for various reasons. Republicans want to stop that.

For the love of all that is good. If you can vote in the US election, please do, and vote blue up and down the ballot (unless you have a more progressive vegan-friendly candidate to vote for).

Here’s a small excerpt.

“While approving funding for government agencies in 2025, the Republican-controlled House considered a bill that would “fundamentally change” the dietary guidelines process, he said in an emailed statement. The budgetary bill would have, among other things, nullified the currently in-process 2025 dietary guidelines. Although that bill was abandoned in favor of a continuing resolution to fund the government, Kahn-Pauli said, “the fact that there was such a partisan attack” on the dietary guidelines “signals a new focus on undercutting evidence-based policy”. He expects to see more attacks on the guidelines in the new year.”

Republicans are inherently evil individuals. That is beyond discussion at this time.

It goes without saying that I will be slightly biased in favor of a manifesto that demands the eradication of the LGBTQIA+ community as well as myself. However, the party that claims that “pizza is a vegetable and fake meat changes your dna to that of demons!” should have nothing to do with dietary recommendations. If you are eligible to vote in November, please do so for the love of whatever god or gods you believe in or don’t believe in.

“Don’t tell us what to eat!!! :rage:,” say conservatives. Conservatives as well: We’ll actually eliminate the stuff you desire to eat, leaving you with no options.

Republicans despise veganism and have been working against it for a while. Project 2025, on the other hand, is opposed to plant-based diets, veganism, and vegans in general. Additionally, I think Florida banned lab-grown meat research a long time ago. Why they care about what other people eat in their own homes is beyond me.

Keep in mind that they are intentionally eliminating safety regulations while doing this.

They’re attempting to murder us.

I find it hilarious the professor of nutrition’s name is Nestle. Made for an entertaining read.

Is there something specific to veganism in the agenda? That would be interesting, but I didn’t see that in the article. I did read the article, although to be transparent I have not read all of project 2025, because I don’t want to hurt myself that badly. I feel like this is general to all diets and a lot of ultra-processed foods are vegan. But I could be missing the point entirely.

Trump was unable to locate his balls on a map. He’s a useful idiot, the ideal instrument for some very wealthy controllers with a dark goal because of his psychological insecurities. His enablers are dishonest, morally bankrupt hypocrites, and his supporters are self-centered bigots. The good news is that the issue will eventually resolve itself between rejecting healthy eating and rejecting climate change.

Well, almost all of my “progressive” pals also consume animal products.

Since Marjorie Taylor Greene advocates for raw milk as well, none of this surprises me.

Even if you would like a more progressive or vegan-friendly candidate, think about voting blue in this election. There are moments when you must advance and moments when you must struggle to hold onto the territory you have already taken. The best opportunity to hold the line is in blue.