Relationships with non-vegans

I tried to have a relationship with a non-vegan and it’s just impossible. I feel a bit defeated and really feel the heavy weight of this world being so cruel. I wish people were more understanding but it’s very difficult to get people see past their conditioning from their parents and their culture. I know morals and values are the core of a relationship and if that isn’t there then the relationship will just crumble. Everyone, try to stay strong. Sending love.

I understand you. I have been in a relationship for ten years, and during that time I went vegan. He is understanding, hardly consumes any meat, and only orders frozen pizzas because they are handy. However, he backs me up. I wish he could see what I do and could comprehend me better. I suppose I shouldn’t question our relationship since we are too close, but I also don’t want it to end. I cherish him. I’m hoping you meet someone special!

I almost had a panic attack the last time I went to see a non-vegan relative because I put the wrong milk in my cereal and was so accustomed to living in a vegan home that I almost ate it on a sleepy morning. The labels were similar enough to flax milk to trick me in the early hours before coffee, and it had been more than a year since I’d had to really consider what was in my fridge.

I had no trouble dating and forming relationships with non-vegans during the first few years, but after ten years, I can’t and I won’t. I consequently don’t go out often and haven’t been in a relationship for a long time.

I hope you come into contact with someone who has similar ethics, values, and viewpoints! Never forget that, especially when it comes to matters that are very important to you, you deserve to be with someone with whom you can relate. I’m sending you my love and best wishes.

Yes. It’s gloomy. In a way, I wish I were dead. I wouldn’t have to consider all of the abuse and suffering then. I wouldn’t have to be depressed about the lack of empathy in the people around me or about being alone.

I’ve gone on a few dates with carnists, but none of them have ended happily. I’m bi, so it’s not really a gender issue, but I wonder why it seems like so many ladies write on here about their non-vegan relationships. Perhaps it’s because they depict themselves as extremely modest braggers or as individuals attempting to outwit you. rather than striking up a pleasant discussion.

If you come across someone who is nice and caring, you could assist them in taking the red pill to learn the truth about the morality of veganism.

sending my love.

We’ve all experienced this so many times. I had to break off long-term “friendships” due to offensive remarks and outright brutality from those I believed to be my pals. Hold fast to your vegan principles.