So, long story short, I recently started dating a Vegan girl, and she asked if the condom I was using is vegan (Trojan Ultra-thin), and I genuinely don’t know.
I’m not a vegan but I want to be as respectful as possible to her lifestyle, so I’d like to switch to using vegan products whenever possible.
But I’ve also never in my life tried to investigate anything like this, so I don’t know where to look beyond Google, which couldn’t give me a straight answer regarding this specific Trojan product. Google told me Trojan has some certified Vegan products, but this isn’t one of them. That post didn’t say “everything Trojan sells besides this is non-vegan”, so I’d like to investigate a bit more before I make any switches. Not everything that is vegan is specifically labeled as such, you know? In the same way that you rarely see anyone label bread as vegetarian, or the vegetable aisle labeled as vegan
So, does anyone happen to know regarding this specific product? And, for future reference, where can I look to find ingredient lists for non-food products, since it’s usually not on the packaging, and manufacturers are pretty loath to go publish the complete formula for their chemical products? I didn’t see any resource about this in the FAQ
Edit: I should mention we live in Germany, so if you’re going to recommend brands or places to order condoms online, please recommend German brands. I don’t have the cash to pay for international shipping for something I’m going to use regularly. And I have no idea how this, or future, relationships will go so I have no idea what a “lifetime supply” looks like for me personally, so I can’t bite the bullet on a bulk purchase haha