New vegans... how do you deal with these emotions?

I’ve been vegan for 8 months after being a heavy meat-eater for 25 years. I went vegan overnight after watching Dominion. Since then, I’ve been deeply upset about animals being tortured, abused, and killed for no real reason. But when I bring it up, I notice people get mad, and I used to react the same way before I was vegan.

Earlier today, I felt upset at the grocery store. Even though I avoid the meat section, I see people buying it at checkout, and it bothers me. I managed to calm down because being angry doesn’t solve anything. But just now, I walked into the kitchen and saw my roommate had a whole raw chicken carcass in a pot of water. It made me so angry I almost threw up. I know I used to cook meat, but seeing it now makes me feel helpless and furious.

Sometimes, I feel like everything in the world is messed up, and I hate it. I hoped these feelings would get easier, but they seem to get worse with time. Has anyone else felt this way? How do you cope?

Cy said:
What you’re feeling is really common. You should check out this forum where people discuss ‘vystopia.’ It might help.

Thanks, I’ll take a look. I had stopped using this forum for a while because I had a bad argument with friends after being triggered by something I saw in a vegan discussion. Now I’m just triggered by what’s sitting in the kitchen right now, and I needed to vent. Thanks for the recommendation.

Instead of letting the emotions eat at you, try channeling them into something productive. Have you thought about volunteering? Maybe there’s an animal sanctuary nearby that could use help, or look into vegan outreach opportunities. It might feel better knowing you’re doing something to help. Even just being open to talking about veganism can influence people more than you realize. Stay strong.

I’ve thought about activism when I get really upset. The thing is, I just moved to Germany to study, and my German isn’t good enough yet for that kind of work. But once I improve, I definitely want to do street activism or something similar. That way, I can channel my feelings and maybe make a difference without alienating potential friends who bring it up. Moving here while not being vegan when I planned it makes this harder, but I’ll figure it out.

I respect how much this means to you. I don’t have a ton of advice, but what helps me is small actions, like supporting friends who are thinking about quitting meat. I was vegetarian for years, and I once had a classmate—a bodybuilder—who teased me about it. Years later, he became vegan and even wrote his thesis about how vegans recover faster in sports. That gave me hope. Finding vegan friends can help a lot, too. Keep going!

Things are improving, slowly but surely. A lot of companies are dropping fur, and I think it’s only a matter of time before more people realize the truth about using animal products.

I don’t think I could live with a non-vegan again for this reason. Having a fully vegan home really helps with staying calm. Remind yourself often how amazing it is that you’re vegan. Over time, your situation will likely change, and it will get easier.

I know exactly how you feel—it’s hard at first. What helped me was thinking about how I used to justify eating meat and trying to remember that mindset when talking to others. Meditation also really helped with my anger; it’s tough to stay rational when you’re seething.

After 4 years of being vegan, I’ve noticed that most people aren’t cruel. They just don’t understand (or don’t want to) what happens to animals. Eating meat is so convenient, and people are very defensive about it. I’ve found it’s best to have general conversations and let people think it over themselves, like I did. For example, my partner and family are mostly plant-based now, just from ongoing talks. I try to mention how much better I feel as a vegan and how it improved my health.

If your roommate cooking meat upsets you, maybe have a conversation about how it makes you feel. Ask if they can cook it when you’re not around. They might not stop right away, but it could help. Be kind to yourself during this time. You’re doing great, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

I admire how you’re handling all this. Watching Dominion and reacting with grief and anger is natural, but it’s also impressive how you’re not letting it destroy your relationships. That takes a lot of strength.

When I first went vegan, I had to step back from vegan media to process everything. I felt guilt and anger for supporting the animal industry for so long. It took time to grieve for the animals and recognize that I was struggling too. Journaling helped me sort through those emotions.

I had to accept that most people are raised in non-vegan families and don’t have the awareness or balance to confront these truths. Our society feeds them propaganda to maintain profits. Now, I focus on being vegan every day, staying healthy, and having compassionate conversations with others when I can. It’s hard, but we are making a difference. Hang in there—you’re not alone.