Recently got a new girlfriend. She doesn’t have any dietary restrictions, she’s just vegan from the philosophical standpoint of it. She didn’t ask me to become vegan, rather the opposite. She repeatedly reassured me that she didn’t want me to become vegan if I didn’t want to, and I was the one to bring up becoming vegan.
I’d like to become vegan to make her more comfortable, I don’t want her coming home to our fridge and seeing meat in there. I’ve been googling trying to research what I can about it all and what products come from animals and what to avoid.
I haven’t asked her how she feels about plant-based meats yet but I will be soon. Aside from those, what are good/easy to make/get meals that are vegan friendly? And what are some of your personal favorites?
Asian cuisine is known for its ample richness, making it difficult to overlook anything. I simply adore vegan sushi or bulgogi. Another food item on my top ten list is ramen.
I’m just writing to let you know that you amaze me, that you’re a keeper, and that I’m proud of you! Being vegan feels amazing, is healthy, makes you happy, and the food is amazing, so I think you’ll love it. You should keep going because I already know how much she will appreciate your effort! All of us are happy for you.
Noooo. I became a vegan after becoming a vegetarian because of my first girlfriend. It certainly gets easier with vegan meat and dairy substitutes, which are a terrific place to start. If not, find out what foods she enjoys eating and allow her to serve as an inspiration.
For myself, I love to eat a lot of pasta, red lentil dal with rice and cabbage, gigantes plaki, chickpeas with grilled veggies and rice, and most recently, I started preparing “breakfast tofu” to replace eggs in the morning. For the most of these recipes, I also use tofu, meat substitutes, or textured vegetarian proteins.
To be honest, I would think it strange if she objected to you purchasing or consuming plant-based “meat” substitutes! They seem like a really creative, varied, and inventive method for non-vegans to make the switch to a less inhumane, more moral diet.
I would find it odd for someone to be offended by or hostile to the look of vegan alternatives, but I do appreciate that people have personal preferences when it comes to texture and flavor.
I love making soup. Specifically, chickpea soup. There are many recipes online. But I gotta ask, is making her comfortable the only reason you’re intending to make this transition, or do you also care a little bit about what happens to animals in agriculture? Because I gotta tell you, there’s widespread agreement within the vegan community that the term vegan refers to the philosophical standpoint against animal cruelty and exploitation specifically, and the resulting diet is called a plant-based diet. It would of course be welcome for you to not buy animal products to have in the house, regardless of your intentions, but barring your girlfriend’s feelings, how would you act towards animals then? Are you going to continue supporting it if she doesn’t find out about it?
Discover how to prepare seitan. You’ll need some of your favorite spices and crucial wheat gluten. It will save you a ton of money and is a terrific first vegan food.
You’re capable of it. A snack, a supper, and finally a day. Every bit counts. You’ll eventually look back and realize how simple it was. You’ll then wonder why more people aren’t doing it and why you didn’t do it sooner. It’s like someone opened your eyes.