My body doesn't process non heme iron. Not sure what to do

I’ve been vegan/vegetarian for a decade and iron deficient for just as long. I’m vegan because care about animal welfare and the environment, and also I just honestly have never cared much for the taste of most meat anyway.

I was not iron deficient as a child/teenager who ate meat (I never ate a lot but I did like chicken). The problem started in college when I went veg. There’s no evidence that I have a hereditary disorder like thalassemia. No one else in my family struggles with iron deficiency. However, ever since becoming vegetarian, I CANNOT restore my iron levels. I have been getting infusions and taking 250% of my DV in oral supplements, and it’s still absolutely tanked. The numbers make no sense given how much iron I’m taking in the form of dietary sources, oral supplements, and infusions.

I’ve had a thorough GI workup and have come back negative for celiac or inflammatory bowel disease.

My doctors are coming to the conclusion that my body is just not absorbing non heme iron. We don’t know why yet, but it feels like I’ve exhausted pretty much every option other than eating meat (or at least taking a heme iron supplement since I don’t like meat).

Has anyone else dealt with this? What would you do in this situation? :frowning: I’m posting here because in any other subreddit, I know people would just be like, “eat a burger,” but I know you guys know how hard it is to be faced with this problem.

Since I’m not a doctor, I can’t offer any advice right now, but if taking vegan iron supplements isn’t enough to keep you healthy, you can try including heme iron supplements in your diet. Unfortunately, there are situations when taking non-vegan drugs is necessary to be healthy. It’s acceptable if you are unable to locate another solution that works.

I’m sorry to learn that you’ve had trouble absorbing iron.

I think iron absorbs better when taken with vitamin C or another vitamin. See if you can find a nutritionist for advice on other things take can make it more absorbable.

You also may want to get checked for certain inflammation markers. Malabsorption is a symptom of IBD and other digestive issues.

For a variety of causes, malabsorption can occur at any age. Simply take the nutrients that you require. Every day, I have to take 100 mg.

Speedy Finger Syndrome left it unfinished, therefore it was edited.

I had to start taking supplemental heme iron on occasion to save my life, having exhausted all other options to prevent the same problems. Occasionally, medical issues require you to take non-vegan medication in order to survive and be well enough to support animal advocacy. That’s the vegan philosophy of “as far as is practicable and possible.” :slight_smile:

No matter if the medication is not vegan, you still need to take effective iron supplements since if you die, you won’t be able to aid animals. You must recover, my buddy.

Well, to be healthy, you must have adequate iron. Since it appears that you have tried all non-heme options, including vitamin C pills and other things, if I were you, I would check into heme iron supplements.

Sometimes it just is what it is. You wouldn’t have to start eating meat again if you took supplements, which will at least ease your emotional discomfort over the situation.

Just curious, but do you have big periods or menstruate? That occasionally may also be a factor.

Try serving citrus fruits with your meals; the vitamin C will help your body absorb iron. Be careful not to eat for an hour after drinking tea or coffee, as the tannins will bind iron. Use a cast iron pan to cook. supplements containing iron.

Do you know how to make iron fish? (If you’re unfamiliar with it, Google it) or have you tried combining OJ with iron supplements? For the body to absorb iron, there must be some acidity in the solution. Like anything else, iron is best obtained naturally rather than through supplements, so eat lots of beans and other foods high in iron. I’ve used kidney beans and tomatoes in some really good recipes. If I locate a recipe, I’ll provide a link.

What is your opinion on mussels and oysters? They are thought to be very unlikely to be sentient, despite the fact that they contain heme iron. Eating them is probably more morally right than taking heme iron supplements.

Medically women may be a little anemic from time to time and men should t be at all, a woman who is often anemic and men who are anemic without a known cause such as a genetic disorder run a concerningly high risk of cancer. There is usually internal bleeding in the colon. When was your last colonoscopy?

I am not a doctor, and I couched my words alot because none of it is 100%, but if you havent been screened recently you should be a little pushy with your doctor about it.