Message to new vegans

Hi, I’m vegan for 2 years now. I’ve reached a point where I can’t even think about eating/drinking even a little bit of meat/fish/dairy. However, I will admit it wasn’t always like that.

At the beginning, I saw chocolate and knew it was dairy. I stuffed my face with it anyway. I felt extremely guilty afterwards. However I didn’t let this stop me. I kept trying and trying to only eat plant-based and it got easier and easier. Now it’s completely natural to me.

So don’t give up if you’re new and ate something non-vegan. Keep going. Don’t beat yourself up. You can do it. I believe in you.

This year marked my 20th year as a vegan.
I recall my first few years were a bit frustrating. Back then there weren’t vegan restaurants and pretty much only one brand doing soy milk, no other plant-based meats, cheese or milk options. Now it’s so much more accessible, which is great news for the entire vegan community.

My advice - don’t sweat the small stuff. You’re making a difference, even if you accidentally eat a bar of chocolate. Eventually, you’ll just get used to the stuff you can eat, wear, use and it will become so normal to you, you forget that you’re vegan. It’ll just be normality to you.

Stay strong - the world is full of people trying to tell you you’re making a bad decision. Even though you’ve made the most selfless, awesome life choice ever!

I honestly can’t contain my disgust when I see raw flesh. While I have no problem with others consuming meat, I roll my eyes whenever someone advises me to “go back to eating meat”. Being a vegan won’t be ideal. I occasionally accidentally eat dairy products, and the next morning I can usually tell since even a small amount of it makes me break out.

I adore this!

Yes, there are a lot of considerations to make while going vegan for the first time. In addition to culinary components, other items include shoes, clothes, makeup, hair care, and cleaning supplies.

There will be errors, but eventually everything will come naturally.

Same! After a few times mostly of the people gets disgusted by it

Erbazzone • 5 hours ago
Right. Yes. I recall having a weekend where I could only eat pizza and cheese during the first month or so that I made the decision to become vegan. I went to this subreddit and inquired if it was usual to feel nauseous after a while, as when you’re lactose intolerant. I even felt sick in my stomach. They showered me with insults and insisted that I schedule my meals. I didn’t care a lot and I’m vegan since almost six or more years without eating nothing but vegan.

Just be more nice to people that are trying. I’m vegan to help animals and it doesn’t help anyone being a jerk.

In my first year of walking past the meat section:
‘Wow, I used to eat this.’

In the second year:
‘How can anyone see this as food? These were living, feeling beings.’

By the third year:
‘Animals are not products.’

In the fourth year:
‘This is a cemetery.’

By that same fourth year, after starting activism:
‘We must give animals rights, so they don’t end up as products of exploitation in a supermarket’s cemetery.’

There is dark chocolate. New vegans: chocolate is still acceptable!

Great posts. We need more posts like this. Congratulations on two years

congratulations, wishing you well in the journey

Fantastic news, man! Although the nonhuman animals will never be able to express gratitude for you taking the decision to stop participating in their exploitation, you will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the number of animals exploited throughout your life if you choose not to exploit them, and even more if you become an active advocate for them. Most vegans I talk to express that their biggest regret is that they wish they had adopted a vegan lifestyle sooner. It’s your Veganniversary tomorrow, so make sure to write down the date!