Is your partner vegan?

Going vegan [been veg for 3 years]

Ive been with my partner for about 2 years now and me being veg never really bothered him since we could beat around the bush.

now that im on my vegan journey im not sure how it will work. we live in a town where theres not many plant based/vegan options and he likes to try a lot of restaurants.

Im not worried about my transition, I have a feeling he wont be too happy but IDC LOL

Just wondering your experience from a vegan dating a meat eater. how did it work?

I became a vegetarian in 2005 and a vegan in 2009 (I was 14/18 years old). In 2015, I met my non-vegan husband. married in 2018. In 2020, he adopted a vegan diet.

Yes, I agree, thank you very much. He was a vegetarian when he was twelve years old and went vegan 2.5 years ago. I have been vegan for 4 years.

It all depends on your companion, in my opinion. While my partner of 11 years is not vegan, I have been vegan for 17 years. However, he also has no problem with us prioritizing vegan restaurants and eating only vegan food at home. He actually only consumes non-vegan food when we infrequently dine at regular restaurants. He can be my taste tester when I order something I’m not sure about, which is convenient for me, lol. Is your significant other a plant-based eater or are they more of a “I need meat/I hate vegan food” type? I believe a smart way to introduce the vegan lifestyle to kids without making them feel pressured is to teach them how to make great vegan meals together.

Yes, when I met her, I did in fact go vegan. I was a vegetarian and she was already vegan.

No. He cooks his food, while I prepare mine own. If he’s interested, I’ll share my food with him, but I don’t mind if he doesn’t get to eat since I’m also feeding our toddler. We choose where to go out to eat by selecting from a list of restaurants that I have already eliminated because I have to have vegan options! There aren’t many nice restaurant options where I live—most of them are just chains.

I’ve been vegan for more than two years, and my partner and I were both vegan when we first started dating. Otherwise our ethical differences would have been irreconcilable.

I myself am a vegan and would never date someone who eats meat. Wouldn’t even consider dating a vegetarian.

Indeed. We used to be vegetarians and met at work (gasp!). After a minute, we realized our mistake, quit the restaurant/omnivore environment, and adopted a vegan lifestyle as a group.

2020 saw my veganism. My spouse was initially all the things that carnists say, but in the end he was understanding and encouraging. After six months, he also became vegan. However, I consider myself fortunate to be married to someone who genuinely cares about my opinions on political matters. Thus, he was completely on board when he began to inquire about my choice and noticed that we were eating quite well.

How great it is to present a unified front in this is beyond words. makes it much simpler to attend social or family events. This means that if my friend or strange uncle says something out of the blue, I can handle it, and if it’s his, he can.

I was vegan and he wasn’t when we first started dating. He mentioned that he had considered being vegan himself as it was the morally right thing to do when we first discussed it. Being here with me was the last bit of encouragement. We had been together for two months when he went vegan.

We have been dating for about three years now, and in a few months we will be getting married veganically :two_hearts: