At least once a week I order from a deli that is a normal deli but also serves food from a plantega menu which is a vegan deli in nyc. Today I bit into a bite of yellow rice, vegan white sauce and daring chicken. Amongst the vegan chicken I noticed a dry gritty texture in my mouth. It was a piece of dead chicken. When I called the restaurant to complain I was told to calm down and I got hung up on. I promptly got into my car and brought the platter back and showed them the difference and was still told to relax. Some words were said and I left. They tried to call back when I mentioned calling the better business bureau, Since it’s clear they don’t clean the grill between meals. Im so tired. From now on I’ll order from strictly vegan restaurants or cook my own food.
That is so bizarre! Please let other vegans know about them by reporting them and leaving reviews anywhere you can. I apologize that people are so awful!
Oh no I apologize, OP. It’s unknown who among us is allergic to chicken and who isn’t. It’s not what you ordered, especially in the absence of allergies. And they gave you terrible treatment.
Being non-governmental, the BBB lacks actual authority to hold companies accountable. However, the county health inspector may be of interest.
Filthy eatery. Check them out on Yelp appropriately, then give the Board of Health a call.
I apologize for what transpired. I’m willing to wager that the restaurant staff will set themselves up as the victim in this situation and then launch into a tirade against vegans when they tell their friends about it.
Inform others about them. Post a review on Yelp and Google. Since serving vegan meat isn’t required, restaurants that do so must do it well. Furthermore, if possible, mention the location by name so that we can avoid it.
Please relax! TWO TIMES? fuck that shit. They would have gotten the cursing out of a lifetime!
That is really strange! I recently experienced this. I placed an order for a vegan chicken wrap. I happened to glance at my wrap before biting into it, and for some reason, I discovered a juicy piece of actual chicken. I was furious. The restaurant was very apologetic but I just don’t understand how this could happen. I feel like sometimes they f it up on purpose to mess with vegans.
Please share this in a New York City subreddit and see what people think. In New York City, there isn’t a deli that doesn’t cross-contaminate. Sorry about that, but hehe. Even as a vegetarian, I wouldn’t eat a deli’s vegetarian chicken and rice dish since there would be meat juice all over the grill. Come on, now. They didn’t do it on purpose, and if you report them for it, you’re on one.
To be honest, I really enjoy processed foods like hot dogs, impossible burgers, and idgaf. I literally eat them two or three times a week, which could eventually lead to health problems, but so would consuming hamburgers and hot dogs. The only distinction is that I use a fraction of the water and don’t ruin millions of acres of wildlife to build cow ranches.