I`m the only vegan at my workplace

I work in food manufacturing where 95% of food produced is not vegan. My normal duties do not include touching any food, or work around meat, but sometimes on a quite periods I am required to go and work in meat preparation section which I can’t handle. Can I refuse to do so or I could loose my job?

My contract says that I can be moved around if required, but as a vegan do I have any rights at all to not go to meat preparation section?


As a nurse, I occasionally have to handle animal items for my patients, such as milk and meats. Since I work in the intensive care unit, patients are usually intubated and sedated. However, even the drug propofol, which we use to put patients to sleep, is lipid-based and contains egg protein. It doesn’t, in my opinion, diminish or impair her moral stance.

I don’t care, as far as I’m aware. I don’t really care what other people think about my veganism because I am aware of it.


When I worked at a grocery store, I worked in the produce department. Least amount of contact with handling non vegan products, though yea you’re going to see it. I don’t want to say “some things you have to get over”, but I work with kids now and have to give them stuff like cartons of milk, or cheese strings, stuff like that. You can’t let stuff like this control your entire life


Sometimes you just have to put the blinkers on and get on with it.

She should take what she can for now because times are hard, and then she can try to look for a job in a vegan restaurant or something.


I’ve worked in tech/IT my whole life, which I don’t think conflicts with my vegan ethics at all. I did web dev for small companies for years, and then audit work, and now I work for a large company doing IT. The company isn’t involved in directly harming animals (it’s not a meat company or pharma company or anything like that), so I don’t see any conflict with my ethics.

I don’t think I could handle working in food service or something like that, and handling dead carcasses all day.

Why do you think corporate jobs are “desolate”? Perhaps working in an office and not handling dead carcasses all day would be more comfortable for her?


I make a comparison between my tolerance and my need for a job. I occasionally eat with omnivores, so I can’t stand working in a plant that produces meat or dairy products, but I can handle working at a restaurant.

It seems like your partner would be better off going to a clothes store. There would be relatively little wool and silk, especially in the less expensive stores.


I’ve never been happier since I made the move from corporate (desolate) to freelance language teaching. I’m just trying to help people with something real, like learning a language; it doesn’t hurt anyone, it doesn’t waste resources, and when I see terms related to animal products, I tell myself that it’s crucial that they understand which items to stay away from.

My advice would be to freelance; just choose anything you enjoy doing or are skilled at, find others who have made that their career, and decide whether that’s something you could do as well.


When I was a teenager I worked in kitchens. My bosses were assholes, customers were assholes, and 95% of what I made had a dead animals or products. So I just didn’t give af about making quality food. What I made probably tasted terrible I wouldn’t know cause I didn’t taste it. If I got an order that was vegan I cared and made it nice and pretty. Then I moved to the city and got a job in a vegan kitchen and got along much better


I’ve worked as a chemotherapy nurse for ten years, and I’ve been roughly vegan for ten of those years. I am aware that every prescription I give has undoubtedly been tested on animals, and that at least half of them contain animal derivatives. Nevertheless, by choosing to be vegan and to respect all living species, I am still leaving my stamp on the earth. I like to think that I’m contributing to the preservation of both animal and human life.

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ince becoming vegan I’ve mainly worked at vegan restaurants with some small gigs on the side every now and then. Honestly I can admit I live a very chill vegan lifestyle very sheltered at times :face_with_peeking_eye::skull: tbh.

I live alone, my friends and family will eat at vegan restaurants or pick places with great vegan menus for me, I only work at vegan businesses. It’s very rare for me to be around meat or even see it. And when I do it really ruins my mood.

I definitely don’t judge vegans who have to work at Omni restaurants, etc. But I do know I’d probably not enjoy myself as ever since I’ve been vegan I’ve been kinda sheltered and able to avoid even looking at animal products.

If there are any vegan restaurants she could work there, or clothing stores? I got both my jobs by using indeed and just using the keyword vegan.

Here’s a work-related vent from me: lately, coworkers have been moaning about all kinds of animal-related issues, which has made work miserable overall.

Since I’m the sole vegan at work, it’s been difficult to hear folks whine about the impending Yulin Festival and other recent incidents involving animal abuse. Hearing kids say things like, “I prefer animals to people,” while having chicken for lunch is really depressing.

I didn’t really answer your questions; I simply needed to scream about my final month of employment in the UK in a non-vegan environment.