I love being vegan, but it can be so lonely

I live in a small town, and basically everyone here is a self proclaimed “carnivore.” The very few vegans I know here are intensely religious, and I don’t quite fit in with them.

There aren’t many places to work nearby, so I work at a winery that also happens to be on a ranch where cows are raised and killed for beef. Luckily, I have no part in the raising/killing, I just sell wine. I like most aspects of the job, and it pays well, but the detachment most of my coworkers have when it comes to animals is very disturbing to me.

My partners don’t understand my point of view. They think I am being dramatic when I compare animal agriculture to slavery or murder. They make all the annoying, overused arguments about “having canines” or “veganism being a first world problem”. They think things “couldn’t possibly be that bad on all farms” or “their impact on animal industry couldn’t actually be enough to matter”. It feels so painful to argue with the ones I love about something meaningful to me, and have them respond in such defensive and ignorant ways when they are otherwise very smart and empathetic people.

I know I’m doing the right thing by refusing to contribute to animal suffering. I love being vegan. I love being fueled by plants. I’m a foodie, and I love cooking or going out to try new vegan foods. This lifestyle gives me such joy. I just wish I had friends and family to share it with. I always feel like the odd one out.


I know what you mean. It is lonely. I don’t know any other vegans.


I live in a big city and feel exactly the same


I understand you very well. If you have a chance try to look for some vegan events in your area. You will definitely get to meet other like-minded people.


Agreed. Being vegan and sober is a very isolated experience.


Get involved in vegan activism - if not available in your town or the next city, then do online activism.


I moved to a small town and it can be depressing not having people with the same lifestyle morals and ethics. I just try to make the best I can but I feel you!


Saying everyone is a self proclaimed carnivore seems like a stretch, but I hear where you’re coming from.

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Do you sell vegan wine? Do you have any recommendations?

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you seem like a cool person. I have often felt the same way and I feel like 90% of vegans share the same feelings. someone even coined the term r/Vystopia (and made the subreddit obv)

I will say its pretty darn great to vibe out and cook with fellow vegans, but don’t get caught thinking the grass is too green on the other side. At the end of the day having things like a nice job, and ppl that love you, etc. is way more important in my opinion. There is no reason you cant strive for all of the things, but just dont look at your glass half empty or it could start to get alienating or whatever. Plus yeah vegans can suck too :stuck_out_tongue:

Lately I’ve been pretty indifferent when it comes to other people and their cognitive dissonance, as it would just work me up and get me triggered haha.

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Could you perhaps plan vegan potlucks? It’s always a smart approach to expand your social network.