I am 18 years old. I was a vegetarian for 2 and a half years for moral reasons. I completely stopped eating meat/animal cells, but I continued to eat eggs and milk. I was unaware and ignorant of the harm I was causing to animals by eating eggs and milk. This is what many “ethical vegetarians” do not know.
Today, I am becoming a vegan. I want to reduce the cruelty and violence that animals had to experience because of my ignorance. I am sorry.
What nutrients do I NEED/should supplement as a vegan? I know that I need to supplement vitamin B, iodine, vitamin D in winter, and probably some more nutrients, but I do not know about all of them. I am not concerned about protein/amino acids because I already eat 120 grams of protein per day, and I know many good sources of amino acids and protein from plant sources. I exercise. I lift weights 4 times per week, and I run a few kilometres too. I want to be as healthy and strong as possible, and I want to be morally better.
What else do I need to know as a vegan? Please inform me.
Not health-related, but I would suggest accepting a cheese amnesty. Before attempting vegan cheese, refrain from consuming any cheese for three months. Give your taste receptors a break.
Simply prepare meals and stockpile items is my standard recommendation. The most difficult thing for me was being extremely hungry and then attempting to quickly put up a meal so that I wouldn’t fall back on my old fast food habits. I mean, where I live, you can’t just rush out and grab stuff.
Be prepared for some of your rules of thumb being vegetarian to go away. Breakfast or brunch was the easiest meal for me to eat out as a vegetarian, but when I went vegan that flipped and it’s definitely the hardest now. I also realized how much dairy and to a lesser extent eggs was providing protein in meals out - find a couple tasty portable snacks (protein bar, nut mix, etc) to stash in your bags in case you’re presented with a salad with all veg no protein as a meal. And be easy on yourself if fully switching takes a minute - I held back for a while because I was so worried that I couldn’t give up cheese, then told myself well maybe I’ll be vegan except for cheese, then it was easier than I expected to give up
Iron and calcium are the most easily contaminated. I drink soy milk to get my calcium. I eat beans to obtain my iron. I take an iron supplement when I avoid eating beans. Plan appropriately because caffeine and tea consumption decreases nutrition absorption an hour before and hours after.
Really, as a safety precaution, just take a multivitamin every other day. I’ve been doing it for years, and every time my blood levels have been normal. Get the Chronometer app to monitor your nutritional intake.
For omega3, be sure to routinely eat chia or flax seeds. I was unsure of the cause of my temporary dry eyes during that period, as I recall. The dryness disappeared once I began eating chia seeds on a daily basis.
I take an iron supplement that also contains vitamins C and B12, an omega 3 supplement (algae), fortified soy milk with calcium, and lots of sunshine to obtain my vitamin D. Oh, and consume a few Brazil nuts daily to get your selenium.