How practical is it to explicitly date only vegans over non - vegans?

Hi guys 29 M here. I have been seeing a lot of relationship posts here lately. No offense to anyone but, I am childfree (cf vegans unite!). This already reduces my dating pool in terms of numbers. But just like everyone I have started to aspire dating vegans only.

Wouldn’t call it awful but dating meat eaters/vegetarians has not been easy for me. One of my dates even had the gall to call me a grass or leaf eater on our second date. I even feel the guilt at times when the other person orders a dairy or non-vegan food item. More so expresses their love for pets but compeletly disregards other animals.

I am from India. There are many vegans in this country, and their numbers are also growing day by day. But just wanted your opinions/insights on whether it would be appropriate now onwards, dating vegans only. I’d actually enjoy being around someone who has the same values/ethics/sentiments towards farmed animals as I do. But I am a bit nervous regarding opportunities with like minded people, as my dating pool may shrink even more after updating my preferences.

Really at crossroads and could use some help.


I’m vegan as well as childless. To say it’s difficult would be a vast understatement. And then there’s politics, religion, morality, philosophy, interests, and hobbies. Sigh. Simply try your hardest to be content. Avoid making it more difficult than it already is.


When I first met my husband, he was practically a vegetarian; he quickly went from being a vegetarian to becoming vegan.

Depending on the individual, they may be able to maintain a vegan diet at home if they are laid back. Simply offer to cook more frequently.

Someone who was passionate about eating animals and critical of me for not eating them is not someone I would have dated. That alone raises red flags. My husband said, “Cool, meat is gross anyway,” when I told him about it when we first met. Seek out a response similar to that.

I might be mistaken, but I would imagine it would be simpler in India. I wish you the best of luck!


I actually find it harder to find vegans who do want kids in the UK! Most vegans feel like we’ve fucked up the world quite a lot and don’t want to bring a child into that, which I fully understand.


I personally don’t understand people who date non vegans. I cannot date someone who is so fundamentally different.


Non-veganism is to me just as much of a deal breaker as “white supremacist.” I simply can’t come to a different conclusion about it. To date Jeffrey Dahmer—would I? I’d heard he was a good man who just enjoyed occasionally killing and eating women.

If everything else failed, I would still have the love of animals even if I never found my vegan soulmate. First and foremost, they are more important to me. Just the stench of a non-vegan and nasty dog breath turns me off.


I have followed a vegan diet for thirty-one years, yet during that period I have never dated a vegan. I came close to doing so, but we never set a formal date. While I wouldn’t be against dating a vegan, it’s not my top priority.


Dating people that are soon vegan works too… GF was pescetarian when I started dating her. Our third date was watching Dominion. She went vegan after I knew her for ca. 2 weeks.


Here’s another female vegan without children. It’s quite acceptable, in my opinion, to want to date only vegans. Making this decision would be more difficult since you would be significantly limiting your possibilities, but it would also force you to look for people who, like you, have a set of deeply held beliefs.

Unfortunately, as far as I know, I have never met or dated a vegan guy. However, I think it would be a really nice concept to date someone who is similar to me in the future. I find vegan relationships to be quite lovely.


already said you don’t want kids so that reduces your options a fair bit. not saying dating only vegans is right or wrong just be careful on how far you narrow your criteria else you might miss a really good match

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If it’s women you’re interested in, only dating vegans is pretty easy, they’re the vast majority of vegans.

Being single is also a very nice option.

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