About 3 or 4 weeks back, I picked up extra firm tofu in a ‘twin pack’ from this grocery store. So, two smaller blocks rather than one big one. I ended up using the block with the sell-by date first, and I can’t remember the date on the other one. The second pack is still unopened and sitting in my fridge. I checked online, and everything suggests looking at the sell-by date, but I no longer have access to it. If anyone knows, how long does tofu generally last if it’s unopened? Should I be okay? Thanks in advance!
For soy products, the best way is to check by smell and taste.
Tofu should have a mild, beany smell. If the water is too cloudy or has a yellow tint, that’s a bad sign.
You can eat a small piece raw—it shouldn’t taste sour.
Just open it up and check.
If it’s slimy or smells off, it’s gone bad. If it smells fine and isn’t slimy, you should be good.
Sometimes tofu goes bad before the sell-by date, and other times it lasts much longer—it varies with each pack.
Thanks! I’m curious—since tofu’s already wet, how would I tell if it’s ‘slimy’? Is it easy to feel a difference between normal tofu wetness and sliminess?
Emerson said:
Thanks! I’m curious—since tofu’s already wet, how would I tell if it’s ‘slimy’? Is it easy to feel a difference between normal tofu wetness and sliminess?
Yes, there’s a difference.
(Sorry in advance!)
‘Slimy’ tofu feels kind of like a thin layer of mucus on the surface. Regular wet tofu will just feel smooth and soft, especially if it hasn’t been sliced.