How do you deal with being invited to dinner/lunch that isn't vegan friendly

I’m invited to a birthday dinner this weekend. I just checked the menu and it’s basically a steakhouse with no vegetarian/vegan options.

I’m in my third year being vegan and every other person that invited me anywhere always made sure there was options for me.

Do you guys typically confront the person inviting you, turn down the invite or bring it up once you’re there? I’m actually surprised how hurt I’m feeling lol :sweat_smile:

Prior to the birthday dinner, have a full meal. During the event, only have beverages.

Whenever this has happened, I’ve said something like, “I’ll get lunch somewhere and meet up with you at the game/theater/event we’re going to, since there isn’t anything on the menu I can order.”

Usually, people choose to eat at another establishment. Usually, people just assume there’s something on the menu for everyone, so it’s not malicious.

You can decline the invitation and suggest that you take your close friend out for an activity at a later time if it was their birthday.

Try giving the restaurant a call ahead of time to see if they can arrange for something to be prepared for you. Perhaps recommend some spaghetti, salt, cracked black pepper, and roasted vegetables that aren’t too tough for a chef to prepare?

I am more than 20 years vegan. I simply eat something when I get home or right before I leave. I recently attended a wedding where there were vegan food options. The bride and groom even inquired about my diet to make sure they had alternatives. It was all cheese and meat. Cheese was present in the salad as well as in the dressing, which covered the entire salad rather than just the sides. But what did I do, you know? I went, had a good time, thanked them for the invitation, and then went home to eat. It’s not worth getting worked up over. Your concern and the complaints are not worth it. Just have something to eat before you go if you really adore them.

In those places, one can usually order some fries or at least a baked potato and a salad. You may simply have some fries and a drink with the group after eating a big lunch before leaving.

Sadly, it’s something that vegans must contend with. I’ve been coping with this kind of stuff for the past 13 years, having gone vegan when I was 12. Usually, I just eat before, but like others have advised, I’ll get a drink and some fries at supper. Let them eat their steak and attempt to enjoy their company because it’s your friend’s birthday. I hope you get to have your birthday soon and can force them to eat at a vegan restaurant! You really won’t be disturbed by it after more than ten years.

If those who are inviting me don’t even consider my comfort level, I won’t go. I will gently decline and let them know if they are unaware that I am vegan. Why in the world would they want me there? To be honest, I’ve never had a problem with that, therefore I find it hard to see why this is acceptable.

I don’t go since, in any case, it’s probably not so close to me that they don’t care enough to make sure I can eat.

To be honest, I wouldn’t go. I find it disrespectful when someone chooses a venue without giving it any care if they know you are vegan. I understand that it occurs frequently and that we strive to go past our disappointment and deal with it, but why should we have to?

I wouldn’t go. Not gonna sit there and watch other people devour corpses.