I want to switch over to vegan but cooking/meal prep and cleaning up after myself is a nightmare for me (sensory issues + executive dysfunction), and I want to make as few trips to the grocery store as possible so I don’t have to use the car as much (meaning I want items that last a long time).
However, I still want to stay healthy and get all the macro and micro nutrients I need. Which is why I need advice with my current list:
Sunflower or pumpkin seeds
Mixed nuts (Cashews, almonds and peanuts)
Hummus (red pepper flavor)
Items I’d prefer to avoid because I hate the taste: Tofu, mushrooms, beans (with the exception of chickpeas), probably more but those are the only ones I can think of right now
Oh, and if there’s any issues with the carbon footprint of any of the items I listed, feel free to tell me.
Iron may be an issue for you, depending on how much of everything you eat. Could potatoes, spinach, or broccoli be added? Also unless my brain is informing me wrong kalcium could be an issue, how do you feel about cabbage? or legumes?
Snacks and peanut butter are a convenient combination!
If you plan on eating a lot of the same stuff over and over again, I would enter a few days worth of food in the app Cronometer. It’s tedious to do but you Will be able to see if you are missing any nutrients.
My simple stuff Some noodles and a jar of spaghetti sauce. Burritos: flour tortillas, beans in a can, and sometimes a package of quick rice. Add as much as is convenient for you. Chili: two cans each of kidney beans and chopped tomatoes one can of imitation chili and tomato paste. Three-bean “salad”: navy beans, garbanzo beans, and kidney beans; combine and serve.
Are you able to make a vegan multivitamin? Because I have ADHD and am hooked on particular meals for a very long time, I take one every day to make up for any nutritional shortfalls.