A friend mentioned that some of my recipes I posted here were found on diningandcooking.com, under my name (example). If you’ve posted anything recently, your content might be stolen too, so you should consider filing a DMCA notice. I will be doing that soon.
EDIT: If you want to file a DMCA notice, you can find the form here.
They’re even taking comments too. So really, it’s up to the forum to DMCA, as they’re stealing everything. It seems like if you linked a recipe, it’s fine, but if it’s in the comments, there’s no link. They’re scraping recipe forums (which is terrible, but they’re making money off other people’s work).
Phoenix said: @Amari
Wow… anyone with time could really mess with their site using forum posts.
So, I went through the site (mainly to see which other places they’re stealing from), and it’s a mess. Looking at other categories, it’s just a jumble of stuff from everywhere. I want to mess with their site, but since it’s pulling from so many places, ruining one source wouldn’t do much.
Honestly, if people are spreading vegan recipes without me doing extra work, and giving me credit, that’s awesome! It’s about the animals, not who made what.
“It’s amazing what you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit” - Harry S. Truman
Public things are public domain for me. If I didn’t want it out there, I wouldn’t post it. That’s just the flow of info. I know it’s a big topic on copyright, but I’m just trying to lighten the mood.
I’ll repost things from the forum to my website, too, but I give credit. I hope that’s cool.
Haven said: @Koa
Sure, but their site is mostly filled with meat recipes. I’d rather not see my vegan stuff mixed in with that.
But isn’t it a good way to reach meat-eaters? They’ll see the animal products, but also find your vegan recipe. I get that you want your work in vegan spaces, but I see it as a positive thing. The more people share vegan content, the better, as long as they don’t take credit for it. But if they’re breaking forum rules, that’s a different issue.
Well, they’re posting these stolen recipes under a ‘food’ heading, not ‘recipes.’ So, people looking for recipes won’t find them unless they actively search. I doubt anyone will convert to veganism from this unless they were already curious.
Also, there’s a lack of conversation around these recipes. People here often ask about vegan ingredients or how to make dishes vegan, and that’s valuable. But on their site, it’s just a recipe without any helpful context, which isn’t useful for anyone.
And they aren’t crediting anyone, nor asking for permission. The site took my recipe from a comment and didn’t even include the recipe in the post. It’s meaningless content just used for their own profit.
And no, I’m not making money from the forum or my website. I share recipes because I love doing it and enjoy the feedback. But stealing my work makes me feel like they don’t value it at all.