First day tomorrow

Any advice or things you wish you had known in the beginning?

I’m just a normal guy diet wise (other than no added sugar) but I watched Earthlings today and it opened my eyes to how fucked the animal product industry is. I don’t want to be complicit in that anymore. Bought a few cookbooks and I’m ready to make the switch.

ust eat enough calories, balanced meals, plenty of tofu and beans and veggies and nuts.

Meals can be as simple or as complicated as you want, in the beginning absolutely do some extra prep so you have options on hand- some extra burritos in the freezer, a pot of chili and stash some, get the big jar of peanut butter sometimes a pb and j really hits the spot

The system is frequently shocked by the amount of fiber consumed. Just be aware that while your body adjusts, it may produce severe flatulence and/or BM troubles. Once you get past this initial tough patch, though, you should be OK. Best of luck and congratulations!

Amazing news dude! The nonhuman animals will never be able to thank you for removing yourself from participation in their exploitation, but you will certainly make a large impact on the number of animals exploited over the course of your life by abstaining from exploiting them, and an even bigger one if you get active as a voice for them. The biggest regret I hear from most fellow vegans is simply wishing they had gone vegan sooner. Be sure to record tomorrow’s date as it will be your Veganniversary!

I won’t reiterate previous wise words of wisdom here. In my experience, it shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Food is all that. If you’re craving mince, burger patties, etc., there are plant-based substitutes. It turns out that tofu is not as strange as I had believed. Your nutrition is only one of many factors that make you, the person you are. I am just who I am as a vegan. I keep it a secret until it comes up in conversation (like while planning a lunch).

If you’re up for some tracking. I’d recommend downloading and using Cronometer. It’ll help make sure you’re getting all the calories you need & you may get more interested in health & it allows you to track all of your nutrients as well.

Also take a b12 supplement

I’m assuming earthlings is a documentary of sorts… Where to watch please? And to answer your question… I don’t really do well personally with massive personal movements… Black or white. I gave myself the time to go at my own pace as far as not consuming animal products. I used to drink a gallon of milk every week and I haven’t bought milk now in well over five years. I’m still kind of struggling with the protein thing as a perimenopausal woman… But smaller steps seem to be working for me. The hideous things that I’ve seen online are definitely helpful. I’m Gen X and sometimes I wish I could just go back to being completely oblivious to how cruel and shitty our food production/consumption industry is… But there’s no turning back now for me at this point. It’s a slow replacement situation with my grocery list. I kind of try and keep the hideousness in mind when doing my shopping… At least that’s what’s working really well for me. It seems kind of counterintuitive to use something negative to be a better consumer in this world… But whatever works, works. Good luck on both of our journeys

My only suggestion is to remember that going vegan will expand your culinary horizons. Although it may seem paradoxical, cutting back on particular meals can be freeing and inspire you to prepare in new and inventive ways. Compared to before being vegan, I’m a much better cook now.

Come to Philly, an extremely underrated Vegan food scene here

Seasonings are your friends; many vegan dishes taste bland. If you can season your food well, it will turn out just as well or even better. I love the dishes I make every day, but I had an advantage because I’m Brazilian and have eaten a ton of rice and beans practically every day.

Take caution when consuming iron and vitamin B12. Some people have trouble absorbing iron from plants, so my vegan partner and I both need to take supplements, even though we eat almost the same foods every day.

Your body won’t absorb a significant amount of the nutrients in coffee or tea if you eat an hour before or at least two hours after. One way people make mistakes when they modify their diet is in this way.

Before you go to great pains to doctor it up, try eating tofu raw with salsa. It tastes good raw and is healthier that way.

Easy to make, nutritious, and delicious with vegetables is peanut sauce.

I pooped so much… Sooo soo very much. What in the f is hanging out in my tummy?

I eat a lot as vegan but need to be very protein focused. I am off soy and wheat. So peanuts and peas are my sources.