So much fun working today…. All my office mates laughing and sharing the memes. 1) I get it’s a crazy accusation in the context it was used. 2) But the same people laughing at the absurdity of it go further, in acting like it would be crazy to “actually” eat dogs and cats, while having absolutely no awareness that they’re doing the exact same thing to MANY other animals. Gotta love wading through a swamp of extreme cognitive dissonance (this week especially) and I figure I can’t be alone in this.
I had a great time working today. My coworkers were all giggling and distributing the memes. I understand that, given the situation, the claim is absurd. 2) However, the same individuals who are laughing at how ridiculous it is also act as though it would be insane to “actually” eat dogs and cats, completely unaware that they are doing the same thing to a plethora of other animals. It’s great to be navigating in a swamp of intense cognitive dissonance, especially this week , and I figure I can’t be the only one.
Admittedly, I’ve liked casting bewildered glances and innocently inquiring as to which animals are OK to eat and why.
“As long as they’re humanely slaughtered and organically fed,” is what I’ve been saying. Correct? 90% eating cats and dogs jokes
Take advantage of the chance! I added, “They’re eating cows!” to finish the joke. Oh wait, I wanted to make someone think.
For them, eating duck has become forbidden. Let’s hope that more creatures be added to the prohibited list.
The majority of individuals believe that dogs and cats are superior to all other animals in their mental hierarchy of animals.
Because of this, people are upset about the possibility that they will be eaten, yet they don’t mind that pigs and cows are killed every day.
These individuals regard them as gods rather than animals in the Hindu tradition of cow worship.
I just watched a reporter grill JD Vance about it, and they both used the term “eating animals” instead of “pets” or “cats,” which added such an odd undertone to the entire exchange.
It’s quite annoying, especially when you consider how many cats and dogs are put to death every day due to a shortage of space and outrageous funding—funding for animal care and control is politically unpopular, so let’s speak about pets being slaughtered! But it’s not done by undocumented workers.
If you REALLY want to witness heads explode and tremendous cognitive dissonance, point them to Elwoods Organic Dog Meats website. Then, tell them to substitute the term “dog” with whatever their favorite corpse to eat is—cow, pig, chicken, whatever.
This is exactly what I was thinking! Given how insane he sounded (“they’re stealing people’s pets and eating them!!!”), it was undoubtedly a humorous moment. I saw it on TV, so it must be true!), yet the majority of people are hypocrites when it comes to the topic of eating dogs and cats.