Easy low ingredient vegan dinners?

Hi! I’m in a bad place mentally and I’m finding it really overwhelming to purchase and make healthy, dinner with enough protein every day. I’m a student so I don’t have a lot of money either. And also because I’m struggling with depression I don’t eat every day. Which means vegetables go bad. Also I live alone!

Tips? Help!! I usually make kind of elaborate dinners with a bunch of vegetables and steps, but I’m not in a place to do that right now. Any tips appreciated!

UPDATE: Wow! Thank you so much for all of the replies!! A little overwhelming to reply to all of you, but I’ve read every comment! Ended up with chickpeas and rice today. Really appreciate you!

A can of black beans with jalapeños and some minute rice, or really any easy-to-heat starch, is one of my favorite lazy meals. Add some flavor by chopping some onions and garlic and sautéing them before reheating the beans on the burner. To be extra fancy and to get some wonderful vitamin C, spritz some lime over the top. However, I know that dealing with sadness can be difficult. Do what you must in order to live.

I’ve started preparing several of Derek Sarno’s recipes; the one tray roasts are really delicious. I’m terrible at preparing vegetables, but it’s worth it because I can use one for several dinners.

I have begun making a few of Derek Sarno’s dishes; the one-tray roasts are very good. Even though I’m horrible at cooking veggies, it’s still worth it because I can have one for multiple nights.

Tomato beans in a can that are heated directly in the microwave; you might add soft tofu beforehand.

Since I only go food shopping once or twice a month due to a chronic ailment, I find that most vegetables only keep in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks at best. It’s really simple to merely grab things if you clean them on the day you receive them.

For me, a simple dinner consists of boiling potatoes (the only true cooking step), chopping tofu, and removing the previously cleaned leafy greens.

I just season the potatoes with salt and pepper, drizzle some oil over them, and use mustard and ketchup to dip the tofu. Simple, quick, healthful, and tasty. Despite having very little energy because of my illness, I was still able to complete this. Ideal, simple dinner.

Try frozen vegetable combinations, please! You can mix them with rice or pasta. You can also simply include cubes of tofu for protein.

If you’re having trouble eating, please obtain some nutritional yeast for protein and vitamins/minerals.

If not, TJ’s frozen dinners might be healthy for you! Stay strong—I had a lot of difficulties in college, but now that I’m done, I feel much better. It’ll get better :heart:

Prepare a tomato and tofu cream cheese sandwich. Delicious!

Lentils and rice, as several others have mentioned. The bag of rice costs about $3 and the store-brand lentils about $1. Add onions, tomato, and any additional seasonings you desire.

If you live near a trader Joe’s, their frozen meals are delicious and reasonably priced! I endorse their plant-based tikka masala.

Hast thou a rice cooker? One with a tofu and vegetable steamer rack on top is also available. You can just place the meal in and return after more than thirty minutes to be ready to eat.