I’m 14 and vegan. I was a non-vegetarian till I was 8 and became a vegetarian due to religious reasons. I turned vegan last year. I have had this problem all my life which is constipation. I remember pooping every 3-4 days when I was a non-vegetarian and it’s every 2 days for me now. Drinking more water doesn’t have that much of a significant impact. What do I do?
If you don’t include chia and flax seeds in your diet, you will never get well.
every day, dark leafy greens! Reduce the carbohydrates. And really, make it a habit to sit down every day at the same time, preferably in the morning. even if it’s not necessary. I found it to be helpful, and now it happens almost exactly as planned. Every day, I also sip tea (either Earl Grey or Chai), and I believe the caffeine aids.
How much oats do you eat? A substantial amount of bread? An abundance of pasta? potatoes and rice?
Increase your daily intake of lentils. A business named “Fillo’s” offers their “Peruvian Lentils Sofrito” in a pouch that is ready to consume. Wait to let it rip, then rip into them.
I must be constipated twice over if that’s what’s termed constipated. No matter what I do with my diet, I poop once a week. Those who claim that “non-vegans must never shit” on this site make me chuckle every time.
Yes, even before I became vegan, I included flex/chia seeds and other high-fiber foods because my great-grandfather suffered from constipation. He actually passed away from not being able to poop, and my younger brother had the same problem his entire childhood, only worse because it caused him to get sick and throw up. Fortunately, he now eats a lot of fiber to help prevent it.
The only thing that has helped me with my persistent constipation is taking Miralax every other day. I’ve never really benefited from changing my diet.
Not to be intrusive, but are you underweight medically? You might not have as much to pass since you don’t consume as much as other people do. The less food we eat over time, the slower our systems are able to process it. It can be reversed, I suppose, if you start eating a lot more, though this will be really painful at first.
Due to various problems, I hadn’t used the restroom in ten days, so I had to go to the hospital. Very sad. Nobody is worthy of that. To make sure everything was alright, I ultimately had a colonoscopy, which it was. I was advised to consume three stalks of celery per day by a gastroenterologist. Despite his dislike, he juiced it.
The finest answer has been this one. If necessary, I also took Miralax. Not had any problems since.
Take a probiotic a try. The Jarrow brand produces high-quality vegan products. And perhaps have a food allergy test done? In the morning, try having a prune.
I used to take triphala, an ayurvedic herb remedy; not sure if that’s your thing. It restores equilibrium to your digestive system, which is particularly beneficial for regularity. Consuming carrot juice, aloe vera juice, flax seeds, buckwheat, barley, prunes, and kiwifruit as well. Not to mention motion and rubbing. In the morning, after a little warm lemon juice, cat and cow. Additionally, you should place a little stool under your feet to position yourself correctly and maintain a straight and relaxed abdomen—that is, unless you have a drop toilet. Because they literally put pressure on the intestines and restrict the flow, modern toilets are extremely harmful for posture. It is best to squat.