Can't believe how shameless people are

I only went vegetarian in February so I’m a total newbie. I just went full vegan last month. I’ve been wanting to do it for many years but just didn’t have the willpower, I always admired vegans but never thought I could do it. I have a long list of health and social issues that are alarming, plus I live with family who are omnivores and there is animal based food literally in my face everyday. Honestly if I can go vegan, seriously anyone can if they want it bad enough.

So lately I’ve been doing a lot of cooking and baking and preparing/freezing, eating vegan has been a game changer because now there’s no more guilt and shame in the food I eat, I actually enjoy eating now and making food. I’m looking at recipes online and I always notice the recipes are also modified for keto and paleo. I know what paleo is, I’ve come up with some version of it on my own after learning human evolution and anthropology before it became mainstream popular back in the late 2000s. But the ketogenic diet I wasn’t familiar with. I was just doing some research and have learned it’s a medical therapy, and now a weight loss fad. I decided to check out the keto reddit and I wish I hadn’t.

It is filled with people proud of eating animal products, and a lot of it everyday. It’s disgusting. I couldn’t believe the comments. This is something I think about on a daily basis since going vegan. I am hoping it goes away with time like it did when I became an atheist a long time ago. How can people think it’s okay to keep torturing animals and ruining the environment? My main reason is for the animals, but I understand that most of humanity really don’t care about farm animals and I actually believe they are sociopaths, but at least what about the planet? It’s really sick how there’s just absolutely no shame at all, and people celebrate it. They are literally demanding the torture, slavery, rape and slaughter of innocent sentient precious animals that scream for mercy and suffer in extreme distress, while they go on about their daily lives and insist they are civilized and intelligent and compassionate, at the same time they have a dead bird on their tables and drink breast milk and eat embryos sourced from absolute brutality, and nobody bats an eye. It’s slavery and genocide on a massive scale, sugar coated with happy commercials of smiling kids drinking milk and eating cheese and cute girls eating yogurt, a lovely looking family with a dead body on the centerpiece on Thanksgiving. I heard that companies removed the vegan label off their products because their sales were going down (I haven’t looked into this, just heard it on reddit), but I do know a lot of people hate food without any meat, it’s not a real food if it doesn’t contain meat, or not real creamy and fluffy if it doesn’t contain real milk or cream or eggs. There is animal product in so many things and it’s so cheap to produce, it’s just hopeless. /rant

It can be difficult to be vegan in a non-vegan society. But that’s great that you’re vegan; congrats on changing the world for the better.

I’ve been vegan for two years and I feel exactly the same as you do. I’m really worried about the state of our world, and I find it really annoying that people don’t care at all about animals. Those same folks don’t care for animals, even though they detest racism, queerphobia, ableism, and other bigotries. It hurts, too. When I consider the suffering that animals endure, my heart breaks.

To the best of my knowledge, those following a ketogenic diet mistakenly believe they are consuming only natural foods, not realizing that animal meat contains hormones, antibiotics, and other substances that are provided to the animals.

It’s an intriguing mentality shift—certainly difficult at first, and to some extent always—but it becomes less difficult when you realize that you’re doing the best you can and that there are people fighting for the same causes as you. Just have an open mind and remember what it was like to be on the other side of things—your effect is already so incredible. Just maintain your composure despite the urgency of the issue, as we must stay in this for the long haul and provide assistance along the way.

I’m happy for you! You set an excellent example. I believe there are a lot more people who, with the right information, encouragement, and support, could easily become vegans. Despite all the odds, people like you persevere! Well done! I adore your zeal

This occurs initially; it’s similar to cute aggression; you see a puppy or whatever, and it’s so damn cute that you want to kill it by giving it hugs and screaming like a crazy person. Eventually, though, it’s just your puppy, and you stop being so overwhelmed by it. The intensity decreases. You will battle for the puppy because you still adore it. I hope that clarifies things.

You claimed to be a novice. So you consumed meat up until February! So, how did you come to believe that continuing to harm animals and devastate the environment was acceptable? I find it difficult to respond to that question about myself, but I can’t help but be amazed at how many people continue to do it, just as I did.

They will contribute to the destruction of a world in which their children and grandkids will live because they care so much about eating meat. and show no concern

Our ideas, deeds, and reactions are among the things we can control. Everything else is something we cannot do.

The key is to accept what is out of our control and concentrate our energies on what we can. (Not infallibly affirming. While one tries to stop abuse, yet…)

We must understand that when we fail, no matter how hard we try, it is not a reflection on who we are, but rather on the society in which we live.

Maintain your diligence and learn to distinguish between the things you can and cannot control.

Some individuals are not vegans, but you are. That is accurate for a plethora of aspects in life. Kindness is the best policy. You might draw some attention to yourself if you wish to talk to others about why you do what you do. It won’t help to be disgusted and to focus on this too much. You are aware of your motivation. I personally am an atheist. from a heavily religious nation. I just tried to encourage others to agree with me by making fun of religion in an attempt to be obnoxious and alienate them.

I’m glad to hear that you’ve joined the group, though! The food culture will continue to change as more people take action.

And simply feel better about the 20% higher mortality from all causes that results from the keto diet’s extreme unhealthiness. They receive their just desserts.