i currently taking two medications for bipolar disorder, since i could be disabled or dangerous to myself and others if i don’t. however, i’m not sure if these medications are vegan and i can’t find any information online about them. if they aren’t actually vegan, can i still consider myself vegan? i don’t want to mislabel myself or anything. thanks.
It might be helpful for you to emotionally keep your food and medical care apart. People who accuse you of having no integrity when it comes to your food ethics because you take logical actions like getting vaccinations are lying to you, most likely because they are aware of how dishonestly they themselves support the rearing of animals for slaughter while professing to love animals.
Being honest requires you to act as practically as possible.
Reducing as much harm as is practically possible is the goal of veganism.
Refusing to take your prescription is not a realistic option. You’re still vegan, so take your medication.
Of course, yes! Being vegan is all about doing what’s realistic and doable. You cannot possibly or practically avoid taking that drug. Please try not to worry about it.
Yes. It’s about doing our best, not perfection.
Can’t light yourself on fire to keep others warm.
As someone who has witnessed my mother’s protracted and hazardous search for lactose-free thyroxine, I implore you not to go through the hassle of looking for free-from substitutes for your existing prescription unless it is really impairing your health. I know that being a vegan is essential to you, but this shouldn’t come at the expense of your health. When compared to your entire food and lifestyle, your medications are but a drop in the ocean. It was stated that no information was found. In this instance, perhaps ignorance is bliss. There’s no need to worry about something that might not even be a problem if you’re vegan in every other area of your life.
I’m vegan and one of the medications I take isn’t vegan. It doesn’t have any alternatives though, and I need it. I’m still vegan. We do the best we possibly can.
Although medications are rarely completely vegan, everyone should take them when necessary.
Before posing a question, please conduct a search. This is a fucking often requested question.
And as the sidebar says “as far as is possible and practicable,” and you need your meds, sure, it’s acceptable
Kindly remember to take your medication. You are worth something. You don’t eat meat.