I am a naturally combative person when I believe someone else is being unfair or aggressive.
If vegans online didn’t argue so vehemently against animal exploitation, I’d never have done research to try and dispute them.
If I didn’t do that I’d probably still be an animal abuser.
I’m not saying it’ll work with everyone, but if for every carnist arguing “but crop deaths tho” when you become belligerent, there is one person like myself, forced to engage with the material? It was worth it.
No need to attack people or troll their comment history, but pressing the facts aggressively does not turn people away from Veganism in the scale people try to argue online.
Yes, I understand the fuss about being considerate of veganism. It concerns the actual passing away of living things. It’s difficult to be “nice” on this subject.
I’ve been politely arguing my case about animal abuse since the late 80s. No one has ever told me that they quit eating meat because of me. I know some friends still even eat really egregious things like foie gras even though I’ve tried to convince them otherwise. I’m over being nice
It requires a variety. I believe that most individuals are more typically persuaded by a gentler touch, however certain people react better to a more direct/confrontational approach. “Let a thousand flowers bloom.”
I become vegan literally because of a brutal vegan. I looked up their statements to refute them and said that although they were extreme, they were true, and I instantly became vegan after being a vegetarian for 25 years.