For example, sometimes I notice I’m doing ‘vegan’ things when I avoid walking past the meat section in the supermarket or when I think I couldn’t romantically date someone who eats meat. Do you have other examples of situations where you realize you’re acting a certain way because of your vegan identity?
In my dreams, I’m purchasing ice cream and I specifically state that I want the coconut-flavored variety. But I’ve been vegan since kindergarten, so it makes sense my brain won’t dream about me eating dairy or animals if I literary can’t remember ever doing so.
A bee flew into the parked car where my 4-year-old grandson was. I rolled down the back windows, casually . My daughter was having a great time outside!!! She wanted to kill it, of course. Then one dropped on his tiny head, and I blew on it to send it flying while a tear was streaming down my cheek. I believed it was right, even though it might not mean what you desired.
Refusing to attend barbecue-themed events, volunteering at animal shelters, cooking more often at home, following Whole Foods’ plant-based experts, purchasing absurd amounts of tempeh and tofu in light of the current economic climate, sharing and gushing about tofu recipes, reading labels intently, and getting excited when you see a cake without chocolate flavor. That’s all for now.
I downvote any posts on Reddit that inquire about the best place to get steak in my community or how to prepare a particular meat meal. It’s a personal campaign of mine.
When someone I know consumes meat tells me they “love animals” or “hate hunters,” I also respond with sarcasm. Such as “oh you mean you love just dogs, right?” . My employer told me the other day that he tried a “vegan chip” at Costco. I inquired if he intended to try a vegan apple after this.
I’m staying away from television shows and films that appear to include violent sequences with animals. Additionally, I avoid watching Thanksgiving-themed television series most of the time because I don’t want to watch turkeys being stuffed and lose interest in the characters.
Less obviously, I aim to eat a meal that doesn’t appear to be vegan so that others won’t be perplexed by my dietary preferences. in a few social circumstances. Even the shape of food has the power to unite or divide people. Even though my previous admiration for life was not insignificant, it has grown. Additionally, I’m more aware of how my daily decisions might, even little, affect the environment or the nearby natural surroundings.
I have to constantly remind myself to treat people with kindness when they irritate me because, after all, they are animals, and I shouldn’t hurt them.
Being confused in a biology lecture when they talk about fish killing bacteria and protists and then the main concern being the damage to the fishing industry.