Anti oat milk propaganda being pushed on tiktok

Has anyone noticed the increasing presence of anti oat milk propaganda on tiktok? It feels like the same formula of conventionally attractive, white thin woman in her early to mid 20s informing an entire audience that oat milk ‘is filled with preservatives and seed oils’ that has caused them anything from ‘acne breakouts, bloating and fatigue’ and that they recommend cows milk because of its ‘protein content’

It feels so bizarre and forced esp considering the women in the video fail to mention the presence of mucus, pus and antibiotics that are in cows milk

I wouldn’t be suprised if the dairy industry has seen how popular oat milk has become among the gen z and they’ve tried to push a new version of the ‘got milk campaign’ by fueling misinformation on tiktok

Positively, it’s a symbol of change and proves that it’s feasible. If not, they wouldn’t argue. Time to start a campaign against big dairy and create videos. This world has a long way to go.

Their aim was moved, which is not surprising. Almonds faced criticism for their water usage (which is still insignificant compared to dairy’s water usage, emissions, and land use), while soy was first vilified for possessing pHyToEsTrOgEn. The animal agriculture lobby’s latest focus seems to be on the good flavor of oat milk, since I’ve noticed more non-vegans discussing it.

For quite some time, TikTok and social media have been the center of the seed oil frenzy. It’s completely unfounded, and a lot of people who say things like “seed oils are toxic!” also support the absurd carnivore diet myth. They usually go together.

Last year, I asked for soy milk at my neighborhood cafe, which serves vegan meals but isn’t really vegan. I was warned off for it. Since they were an ethical cafe, they only provided oat milk and said it was unethical.

They stopped using oat milk last month and are now exclusively using cow’s milk. They said that cow’s milk is more morally acceptable because oat milk is highly processed and harmful to the environment. I no longer eat there.

My local eatery, which offers vegan food but isn’t strictly vegan, asked for soy milk last year. I received a warning for it. They only offered oat milk and declared it to be unethical because they were an ethical café.

They switched to using only cow’s milk last month, having previously used oat milk. They claimed that because oat milk is heavily processed and bad for the environment, cow’s milk is more morally acceptable. I don’t eat there anymore.

When oat milk initially gained popularity, I anticipated this outcome: everything that rises must eventually fall. That is to say, something that gains immense popularity cannot stay that way. Sardines and other cured meats have undergone significant rebranding, and I anticipate dairy milk going the same way. The utilization of sentient beings as fashion trends is abhorrent.

I was permanently barred from r/goats because I owned goats and repeatedly brought attention to the mistreatment of those animals. They claim to adore goats, but in really, they only care about the meat or milk they get from them; they don’t care about the creatures I call my companions.

Seed oils are okay, but keep in mind that they’re refined, so season with a little salt and possibly some pepper.

Anecdotes are never a reliable source for medical advice; they always say this while guzzling trans fats and butter.

According to what I gather, soy and oats are more sustainable. If I’m mistaken, someone please correct me.

Even though my kids joked that soy would kill my testosterone, I’ve always preferred it. (I’m a male.) Compared to before, soy appears to be much less popular. There are occasions when even the grocery shop doesn’t carry it.

I noticed an advertisement on a YouTube video from a self-described “doctor” who warned that almond milk will burn a hole in your stomach and that oats are exclusively for feeding horses. Sincerely, I was unable to determine whether or not it was satire.